Water asset management software

Use cloud-based asset management software to effectively manage water utility infrastructure by streamlining inspection workflows, evaluating water asset conditions, and assessing risk and rehabilitation plans.

What is water asset management?

Water asset management is the process of understanding what assets make up your water, sewer, or stormwater infrastructure and then proactively planning and prioritizing repairs, maintenance, renewals and replacements based on risk.

How smart water utilities manage their assets

Improve operational, maintenance, and capital effectiveness using digital tools to monitor and prioritize replacements and repairs of various assets within a water system, increasing sustainability and community resilience by reducing downtime and prolonging the lifespan of water assets.

Using software for water utility asset management

Water asset management software provides tools to help improve the efficiency and accuracy of complex processes such as inspection management, condition assessment, risk and rehabilitation planning, and data tracking.

Benefits of water asset management software

Manage asset inspections & reviews

Access CCTV inspection data in a cloud environment to review inspections and evaluate asset condition.

Determine asset risk

Assess business risk exposure of water assets using the most accurate data points such as condition data.

Improve rehabilitation planning

Prioritize capital decisions for effective and cost-effective rehabilitation management.

How is water asset management software being used?

Ross Valley Sanitary District

Learn how RVSD went from a cease and desist to a risk-based asset management program with Autodesk software.

Seattle Public Utilities

Discover how Seattle Public Utilities moved from reactive to proactive asset prioritization and developed a 40-year rehabilitation plan.

Bristol Water

Learn how Bristol Water addressed critical improvement projects to address water quality and infrastructure.

Deliver actionable asset condition and risk planning in the cloud

Model complex hydraulic and hydrologic network elements quickly, accurately, and collaboratively.

Comprehensive and collaborative water distribution analysis and modeling

Resources for water asset management software

Learn more about water asset management workflows and projects with these resources from Autodesk.

Autodesk digital water solutions are helping teams manage the water systems of today, while also building the water infrastructure for tomorrow.

Make the most of water infrastructure asset inspections by improving workflows to better inform asset decisions and rehabilitation planning.

Learn more about Info360 Asset software capabilities and the benefits of using a cloud-based asset management solution for your organization.

Utilize water asset management software to increase buy-in for capital improvement plans or managing O&M budgets effectively.

Learn more about Info360 Asset with a comprehensive set of getting started videos aimed at informing customers of all the software features available.

Learn what product enhancements have been delivered in Info360 Asset, what is being developed, and what you can expect in the future.

Water asset management frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What are different types of water distribution network assets?

Water distribution assets are individual components that are built to pump, divert, transport, store, treat and deliver safe drinking water through utilities services. Some examples are:

  • Groundwater wells
  • Pipes & plumbing
  • Surface-water intakes
  • Dams & aqueducts
  • Reservoirs

What are the best asset management practices to effectively manage wastewater system assets?

A few best practices can help guide asset managers to effectively operate and maintain wastewater systems and address problematic assets:

  • Asset registry to know all about your assets and asset intervention history.
  • Asset lifecycle information management to collect, track, and report on the entire asset biography for each asset.
  • Maintenance management and tracking to prioritize maintenance activities.
  • Overflows mitigation and response planning
  • Discharge problem control to reduce blockage likelihood, such as roots and fat, oil, and grease.
  • Inspection and structural condition assessment to monitor asset degradation.
  • Inspection of new construction to check the proper installation of new pipes.
  • Capacity assessment to ensure the intended capacity of an asset is maintained over its life and increase capacity when necessary.
  • Determination of risk to prioritize the fixing of problematic assets.
  • Capital improvement planning, to develop recommendations on asset renewals and replacement in the medium- to long-term horizon.
  • Stakeholder communications to inform customers and utility teams and management, about the asset action plan.
  • Results and KPI monitoring to adjust the asset management program, such as tracking sewer overflows, blockage issues, or asset work history

How do you store water asset inspections effectively for quick access?

To store, manage, and easily locate inspections, associating them to the relevant asset which can be seen on a map of the system or can be found by querying the asset location. By keeping all inspections, historical and current ones, the asset management system provides you with the entire history of inspection and condition for an asset.

What is linear asset management?

Linear asset management is the process of life cycle management of assets typically defined by their length, such as roads, rails, pipelines, power lines, etc. Linear asset management software helps you monitor asset conditions, identify damage or defects, manage asset maintenance, and optimize asset performance, availability, and safety.

What is risk and rehabilitation planning for water asset management?

Risk and rehabilitation planning for water asset management is the process of prioritizing the risks associated with water infrastructure assets and informing asset decisions. Risk management helps to prioritize which individual asset needs addressing first and to understand the overall business risk exposure for the system. Rehabilitation planning helps planners decide the best actions to repair, renew, replace or keep monitoring water assets based on asset and inspection data, their condition, previous asset interventions, and action cost to determine the most effective approach.

What is likelihood of failure (LoF) and consequence of failure (CoF) for water asset management?

The two elements of risk assessment for water asset management are likelihood of failure (LoF) and consequence of failure (CoF). Depending on an asset's condition, age, performance, and other factors, LoF determines how probable it is for it to fail. CoF is a gauge of how seriously an asset failure might have an impact on the economy, society, and environment. Risk can help to prioritize decisions regarding asset renewal or replacement by applying weighing factors for each Lof and CoF components as well as combining LoF and CoF.

How is GIS data used for water asset management?

GIS data is used for water asset management to visualize and spatially analyze important information about water utility infrastructure by integrating with digital and specialized tools like capital planning software.  GIS data can be used for: identifying leaks and inefficiencies, optimizing water infrastructure distribution networks, predicting repairs or other operational issues, and planning for future infrastructure expansion and maintenance.

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