Features of Navisworks 2023

Navisworks® Simulate and Manage software help teams deliver projects effectively. Navisworks Manage includes clash detection and interference management tools plus the core capabilities of Navisworks Simulate for model review, quantification, and coordination.


Detect clashes and coordinate models

View clashes in context with the Navisworks Clash Detective. Audit, inspect, and report interferences (clashes) in a 3D project model, with issues integration into the Autodesk Construction Cloud, Revit, and more.

Coordination Issues integration

Quickly identify and resolve costly constructability issues. View, create, and respond to issues on models in Model Coordination, in both Autodesk Construction Cloud and Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro. (video: 3:24 min.)

Updated IFC file reader

Use the same open-source code from Revit to handle IFC files, with added hierarchy, Pset, and data enhancements.

Support for 60+ file formats

Open and work with a variety of CAD file formats in one comprehensive application.

Coordination with Autodesk products

Open Navisworks files in Autodesk AutoCAD, Revit, and ReCap Pro.

Navisworks + Point Layout

Automatically add layout points to coordinated models. Import, export, and compare directly in Navisworks. (video: 1.03 min.)