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Maya vs. Maya LT

Explore the differences between Maya and Maya LT software.

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Comprehensive 3D animation, modeling, simulation, and rendering software.

Cost-effective video game development software for indie game makers.

At a glance

  • Realize your vision in modeling, animation, lighting, and VFX with comprehensive 3D software.
  • A professional 3D tool with a price that fits an indie game maker’s budget.

Pay as you go for access to the latest version of Maya with lower up-front cost, 1-on-1 web support, and previous version use. Learn more.



Multi-year (2 years)    

Multi-year (3 years)    

Sculpting toolset

Shape authoring workflow

NEX accelerated modeling workflow

Polygon reduction tool

Edge and ring loops

OpenSubdiv support

Topology-based symmetry tools

Quad draw tool

Multicut tool

Paint selection

Maya Paint Effects

Advanced UV workflows

Unfold 3D integration

Multiple UV set support

Per-instance UV sets

3D Texture Paint tool

Substance procedural textures library

2D and 3D procedural textures

PSD file support

Transfer maps

Turtle texture baking

Time Editor

Updated Graph Editor

Dope sheet editor

HumanIK full-body animation system

Quick Rig

Parallel rig evaluation

Unlimited animation layers

2 animation layers

Set-driven key tool

Editable motion trails

ATOM animation file save and load

Point constraints

Aim constraints

Orient constraints

Parent constraints

Pole vector constraints

Scale constraints

Geometry constraints

Normal constraints

Tangent constraints

Motion Graphics toolset    

3D Type

Improved vector graphics workflow

Delta Mush deformer

Nonlinear deformer

Lattice deformer

Blend shape deformer

Point-on-curve deformer

Texture deformer

Shrink-wrap deformer

Geodesic voxel skinning

Heat Map

Paint skin weights

Substitute geometry tool

Maya Muscle deformation system

Wrinkle deformer

Wrap deformer

Sculpt deformer

Soft modification deformer

Cluster deformer

Jiggle deformer

Wire deformer

Multicamera layout and management tools

Sequencer playlist clip editing

Grease Pencil

Arnold renderer

Render setup

Vector renderer

Hardware render window

Interactive photorealistic renderer (IPR)

Toon Shader

Third-party viewport renderer override

Hypershade and Visor tools


Color management

Microsoft DirectX 11 support

DX11 real-time shader effects

HLSL and CgFX support

Bifrost procedural effects platform

XGen arbitrary primitive generator

Maya Fluid Effects

Maya Fur

Maya nHair

Maya nParticles

Maya nCloth

Rigid and soft-body dynamics

Bullet Physics

MEL scripting

Python scripting

Write custom plug-ins with SDK

Create custom Maya objects

Customize UI for proprietary tools

Microsoft .NET API support

Load third-party plug-ins and tools

Write custom objects and plug-ins using Maya C++ API

Create custom UI tools using Qt development framework

Viewport 2.0 API

Send to Unity export

Send to Unreal export

Send to Mudbox export

Access to Stingray game engine

Game Export tool

Cloud integration

Node editor

File referencing

Alembic support

Scene Assembly tools

Automatic 3D camera tracking

File Path Editor UI

Microsoft Windows

Mac OS X
