Usage reporting FAQs

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How is use defined?

When you start a product, usage starts and is recorded. It stops when you close the product. Usage is reported by the number of days a product is used. 


For example, Sophie launches AutoCAD at 7 pm on Monday evening. She closes AutoCAD at 5 pm on Tuesday. Her usage will be reported as one day of use on Monday (if she is using Flex tokens, she will only be charged the token rate for one day). No usage is counted on Tuesday as she closes the product in less than 24 hours. Also, if Sophie launches AutoCAD multiple times during that 24-hour period, her usage is still only counted in the Monday report. 

What if I start a product accidentally? Is usage still included in the reporting?

If you launch a product for less than five minutes, it is not included in the daily usage and user count. If you are on Flex, tokens charged will be reported as 0.  

Why is zero token usage reported?

Certain features within a product trigger access to the product. While usage is counted in products used and user metrics, you are not charged any tokens.

How are the selectable time ranges reported?

Time ranges available for your selection are reported as follows:

  • Past 30 days. Rolling 30-day window.
  • Past three months. Most recent fully completed three months.
  • Past six months. Most recent fully completed six months.
  • Past nine months. Most recent fully completed nine months.
  • Past 12 months. Most recent fully completed 12 months.

Note: In data reported based on the range selections for multiple months, the current month isn’t included. Use Past 30 days to view data for the current month.


Tip: With the Export Usage feature, you can use All dates, an additional time filter option. All dates allows you to export reported usage for both expired and active subscriptions through the report date.

What happens when I am disconnected from the internet?

If you’re using Flex to access a product, you can go offline for a maximum of 24 hours following your last sign-in. After that, the product shuts down. 
Note: If you have a single-user subscription, you can go offline for a maximum of 30 days following your last sign-in.

What does "Last processed time” in usage reporting mean?  

It means the last date and time, displayed in your local time zone, that usage reporting was refreshed and reported in Autodesk Account.

Why does my token usage reporting data appear to be incorrect?

Reporting data may be inaccurate in the following situations:

  • When multiple users are accessing a product using the same username and password.

  • When a user is assigned to both a subscription and a product in Flex, they won’t consume tokens for product access.

See also

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