Key features of AutoCAD LT 2025

Professional architects, engineers and designers use best-in-class AutoCAD LT® features to get their work done with speed and precision.


Use AutoLISP in AutoCAD LT to streamline workflows and enforce CAD standards through automation

Activity Insights

Access and track version history data using detailed multi-user event logs and comparison tools

Autodesk Assistant

Access helpful support and solutions related to AutoCAD features and your design challenges

Push to Autodesk Docs

Publish your CAD drawing sheets as PDFs directly from AutoCAD LT to Autodesk Docs

AutoCAD any time, anywhere

Capture, share and review ideas on the go with AutoCAD 2D and 3D DWG files on desktop, web and mobile.

Cloud storage connectivity

Access, preview, and open DWG™ files in AutoCAD LT with Autodesk Docs and third-party cloud storage

Dynamic blocks

Add flexibility to your block references, including changes in shape, size or configuration

Blocks palette

View, access, and mark your blocks as favourites from AutoCAD LT on desktop or in AutoCAD on the web


Safely review and add feedback directly to a DWG file without altering the existing drawing


Automate the counting of block or object instances within your drawing

Enhanced DWG Compare

Compare two versions of a drawing without leaving your current window


Send a controlled copy of your drawing to teammates and colleagues to access wherever they are

AutoCAD LT 2025 features

Essential, dependable features for 2D design and documentation that save you time and help you work more efficiently.

New and enhanced features of AutoCAD LT 2025


Smart Blocks: Search and Convert

With the help of Autodesk AI, quickly search your drawings for objects based on selected geometry to convert into instances of a newly defined block, an existing block or recently used block. (video: 50 secs)


Activity Insights

Access and track version history data in detailed multi-user event logs with file comparison tools—supported for files stored on third-party cloud storage. (video: 1:01 min)



Bring clarity to your designs with convenient updates to the familiar HATCH command. Add texture to your drawings through patterns, fills and paths—without pre-defined shapes or enclosed boundaries. (video 1:01 min.)


ArcGIS® Basemaps

Ground your site plans with real-world geographical information using Esri’s ArcGIS® Basemaps. Access five Basemaps in the form of high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery, OpenStreetMaps and Streets, along with light and dark grey monochrome map styles.

AutoCAD LT 2025 vs previous releases

AutoCAD LT has a flexible subscription model that makes new features available with each release. If you have a perpetual licence of AutoCAD LT 2016 or earlier, here’s what’s changed in AutoCAD LT 2017, AutoCAD LT 2018, AutoCAD LT 2019, AutoCAD LT 2020, AutoCAD LT 2021, AutoCAD LT 2022, AutoCAD LT 2023 and AutoCAD LT 2024.

AutoCAD LT 2025

What’s included

  • Best-in-class 2D drafting, design and documentation tools.

  • AutoCAD on the web: View, create and edit AutoCAD drawings from any computer with no software installation required.*

  • AutoCAD on mobile: View, create and edit AutoCAD drawings via iOS and Android devices.

  • Integrated workflows: Work smoothly across desktop, web and mobile devices.* 

  • Cloud storage connectivity: Access any DWG file in AutoCAD with Autodesk’s cloud, as well as with leading cloud storage providers.

Top new features added since 2016 include:

  • AutoLISP: Leverage AutoLISP to streamline workflows and enforce CAD standards through automation. 

  • Smart Blocks: Automatically place blocks in your drawing based on where you’ve inserted the same ones in your drawing – or search and convert objects into new, existing or recently used blocks. 

  • Autodesk Assistant: Access helpful support and solutions related to features and your design challenges without leaving AutoCAD. 

  • Activity Insights: Follow version history with file comparison tools to track updates for shared DWG with detailed properties. 

  • File Open Performance: On average, 2D files will open 2x faster in AutoCAD LT 2025 vs AutoCAD LT 2025**. 

  • Trace: Safely review and add feedback directly to a DWG file without altering the existing drawing. 

  • Count: Automate counting blocks or geometry with the Count command. 

  • Share: Send a controlled copy of your drawing to teammates and colleagues to access wherever they are. 

  • Push to Autodesk Docs: Push your CAD drawing sheets as PDFs to Autodesk Docs from AutoCAD. 

  • Drawing history: See changes made to your drawing over time (merged     with Activity Insights as of AutoCAD LT 2025). 

  • Xref compare: Compare two versions of an external xref and implement changes without leaving your current drawing. 

  • Blocks palette: Insert blocks efficiently from the Libraries tab on desktop or in the AutoCAD web app. 

  • Quick measure: Quickly display all nearby measurements including areas and perimeters in a drawing by hovering your mouse. 

  • Trim and extend (enhanced): Automatically select all potential boundaries with the default Quick mode. 

  • Purge (redesigned): Remove multiple unneeded objects with easy selection and object preview. 

  • DWG™ compare: Compare two versions of a drawing or xref without leaving your current window. 

  • PDF import: Import geometry (SHX font files, fills, raster images and TrueType text) into a drawing from a PDF. 

  • Save to web and mobile: Save drawings and their associated xrefs from your desktop to view and edit in AutoCAD on the web and on mobile.

  • New views and viewports: Easily add saved views to your layouts. 

  • High-resolution monitor support: View your designs on 4K- and higher-resolution displays. 

  • Off-screen selection: Keep selected objects in your selection set, even if you pan or zoom off screen. 

Improvements since 2016:

  • Floating windows: Pull away drawing windows to display them side by side or on multiple monitors without opening another instance of AutoCAD 

  • Faster Saves: Shave one second off each save on average 

  • Speedy install time: Up to 50% faster for solid state hard drives 

  • New dark theme: Modern blue aesthetic with contrast and sharpness improvements 

  • User interface: Flat-design icons and intuitive dialogue boxes and toolbars 

  • 2D graphics: Better stability, fidelity and performance 

  • New DWG format: Save, move and copy performance boost with the 2018.dwg file format 

  • TrustedDWG: Integrity and compatibility alerts for DWG files 

Support and software access:

  • Technical support

    • Autodesk support specialists: Schedule a call,† chat online (limited availability) or email us.

    • Remote desktop assistance: Get secure, hands-on troubleshooting.†

    • Online resources: Access our knowledge base for help documentation, tutorials, training videos, and community support forums. 

  • Access to the latest software: Instantly access the newest releases and updates.

  • Access previous versions: Download and use previous releases.

  • Flexible term lengths: Subscribe monthly, annually, or for 3 years.*

  • Administrative tools: Easily manage software licences, seats and usage from your Autodesk Account. 

*Not available to maintenance plan customers. 
†Available to maintenance plan customers with Advanced Support.