Key features of Info360 Asset 

Discover key functionalities of Info360 Asset that help infrastructure asset managers effectively prepare and deliver asset improvement plans.

Designed for the water industry 

Get a digital representation of water and wastewater asset condition, risk and performance

Inspection upload from the field 

Find out which inspection data and media have uploaded successfully or are missing

Inspection review 

Incorporate inspection, defect and video review for an efficient approval workflow

Automate defect coding 

Ensure inspections comply with national coding standards and quickly find data issues using Info360 Asset validation engine

Defect review 

Conveniently add, edit, or delete observations while watching the synchronised CCTV video and images

Automated condition scoring 

Review overall, structural and O&M condition grades and ratings, and visualise geo-referenced observations displayed on pipes

Risk assessment 

Model multiple LoF and CoF methods using condition, asset, performance and GIS data

GIS and tabular data 

Take advantage of GIS layers and user-defined tabular data to calculate CoF and LoF, respectively

Continuous risk updates 

Update risk models based on newer-condition inspections and incidents, and track risk trends

Risk results interpretation 

See spatial distribution of risk results on a thematic map, and review individual assets using dashboards

Guiding renewal decisions 

Set up simple or complex queries and decision points to prescribe asset rehabilitation actions 

Share asset information 

Give stakeholders read-only access to asset, condition, performance and risk details

Info360 Asset features

New and existing Info360 Asset features


Connect to ArcGIS Online

Connect to ArcGIS Online to bring spatial layers, asset geometry and information into Info360 Asset. Publish Info360 Asset-derived risk and rehab results to ArcGIS Online (video: 1:22 min.)


Publish risk scenarios

Select which Info360 Asset risk scenario(s) to publish for visualisation on the thematic map, review risk trend and summary risk results in each asset, and make risk results available for rehabilitation decision support. (video: 1:04 min.)


Defect and custom table rehab queries

You can now choose to base your decision tree queries on specific asset defects from CCTV inspections, or custom data tables you have imported into Info360 Asset. (video: 1:24 min.)


Water assets in risk and rehab support

Info360 Asset now supports the use of water distribution assets with risk analysis and decision trees for guidance on asset actions. (video: 55 sec.)


WSA conduit inspection code support

The WSA 05-2020 conduit inspection code for Australia is now supported in Info360 Asset. You can use it for upload and review of inspections, condition assessment, risk analysis and rehabilitation decision support. (video: 1:49 min.)

MSCC CCTV condition standard support

Score and grade inspection data according to the Manual of Sewer Condition Classification (MSCC) 4 or 5 standards. (video: 3:35 min.)

Water distribution assets

Import water assets such as pipes, hydrants, meters, pumps, valves, tanks, boreholes, fittings, treatment works, for visualisation on Info360 Asset maps. (video: 52 sec.)

Risk scenarios

Build, assess and store several risk configurations consisting of varying weighted likelihood (LoF) and consequence of failure (CoF) models, change the scoring of LoF and CoF components, add or replace risk categories within LoF and CoF, and view risk scenarios on the map (video: 13 sec.)

Decision tree and query duplication

Duplicate any existing rehabilitation decision tree or any query and actions you may have set up within a decision tree, to streamline decision tree building and editing processes (video: 42 sec.)

Decision tree results export

Export the rehabilitation planning results as a CSV report for your specific use or to import the results into any other systems you may have (video: 33 sec.)

Better decision tree query definition

Use the number of defects for each asset, to build queries and prescribe asset actions.

Rehabilitation decision tree

Info360 Asset provides an intuitive canvas interface for building decision trees and creating query expressions using attributes, inspections, condition, risk or user-defined data. From this, you can prescribe rehabilitation actions, determine costs, and develop budgets.

Manhole inspection (MACP) support

Support for NASSCO MACP (Manhole Assessment Certification Programme) standard in addition to PACP extends the condition assessment capabilities of Info360 Asset to include manholes as well as pipes. Manhole inspections and associated defect observations are managed together with videos and images.

Import additional data for risk profiles

In addition to distance to a critical facility layer, use spatial proximity to any GIS layers, such as road speed, to advance consequence of failure analysis. Import tabular data (for example, historical operation and maintenance data) that may reside in other systems such as CMMS, to improve LoF analysis.

Customised input data

Include your own tabular and spatial data to use for likelihood of failure (LoF) and consequence of failure (CoF) modelling and rehabilitation decision support. Enhance risk and rehabilitation models to include a wider variety of input data appropriate to your water network.

Bulk-ingest inspections without media

Ingest and more quickly approve inspections in bulk for risk models and rehabilitation decision support. Display inspections on the map for viewing by all users without uploading associated media, with the option to upload large media files later.

CSV export of Info360 Asset tables

Export various Info360 Asset tables to CSV files, including the Risk Details report and Pipeline Inspection Condition Summary report.

Inspection upload portal

Inform field crews or contractors which inspection database and media have uploaded to Info360 Asset successfully, and which deliverables are missing. Choose to upload large media files later when in areas of better bandwidth.

Inspection review and approval

Easily review, approve or reject, find, and manage inspections. View inspection status, including inspections that have already been reviewed and published, those being reviewed, and those that have been rejected and need updating from the field.

Condition management and assessment

Synchronous integration between the inspection observation table, image display and video replay makes it easy to review inspections. The ability to add, update or delete observations, combined with auto-calculated condition ratings based on appropriate national standard, improves the accuracy of individual inspections.

Risk assessment

Build and apply different risk models to determine the likelihood and consequence of failure, using the information managed in Info360 Asset, including asset attributes, condition, tabular data and GIS layers. View risk trend as risk is updated based on newer condition inspections and incidents.

Democratisation of asset information

Utility stakeholders can visualise and locate asset condition and risk on a thematic map of the network using an easy-to-understand, web-based environment. Finding and viewing assets is risk-free, because no data alteration can occur. 

Imported data tracking

View imported data history. Bring in GIS data, including points, lines and polygons, in GeoJSON format for use in background maps and to improve risk profiles. Import user-defined tables in CSV format, with fields you can use in risk analysis.

Easy control of project settings

As an administrator of Info360 Asset, control general settings for users of the application, including setting up date and time formats, time zone and unit type (metric or imperial). 

User permission management

As an administrator of Info360 Asset, manage user access, including access permissions: full access, view-only access (for stakeholders) and inspection-only access (for contractors).