
Smoke is no longer available

On 7 September 2022, Autodesk discontinued the sale of new and renewal of Smoke subscriptions. You can no longer purchase new subscriptions or renew your existing Smoke subscriptions.

Continued support for Smoke

Consider moving to Flame Assist

Flame Assist is a compatible, timeline-centric assistant workstation for Flame, a 3D compositing, VFX and editorial finishing software. Flame Assist provides the highest feature parity to Smoke. Smoke has a subset of Flame Assist features, meaning you gain additional capabilities by moving to Flame Assist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Smoke no longer available?

Autodesk believes we can better serve your content creation needs by investing in building enhanced 3D compositing, VFX and finishing toolsets in the Flame Family of products.

What is Autodesk’s recommendation to our customers for video effects solutions?

Autodesk recomments moving to Flame Assist, a compatible, timeline-centric assistant workstation for Flame, used by VFX supervisors, CG compositing artists, 3D world builders, colourists and finishers for film and TV productions.

What support is available to me?

You can continue to receive technical support until the end of your current Smoke subscription contract. However, there are no more software releases, updates or fixes to Smoke.

Where can I learn more?

To learn more about the changes to Autodesk Smoke, visit the full FAQ.