Key features of Info360 Plant

Interactive process flow diagrams

Upload and interact with your P&IDs, process flows, or other diagrams of your plant and each facility

Advanced analytics and KPIs

Monitor water quality, energy and chemical use, cost, and efficiency with industry-specific metrics and KPIs

Domain best management practices

Automatically calculate energy equivalents, plant loading conditions, and pump and plant performance

Customizable workspaces

Visualize live and historical performance with configurable graphical and tabular visualizations

Dynamic drilldown analysis

Visualize and analyze high-level dynamics, then drill down via a configurable single screen

24/7 event monitoring and alerts

Avoid excessive alerts by evaluating combinations of conditions that identify high-risk anomalies

Compliance monitoring and reporting

Automatically generate compliance reports and formatted tracking logs, and monitor performance against permits

SCADA and IoT integration

Connect any SCADA, Lab, or IoT data to sophisticated analytic and visualization tools

Easy onboarding

Get a fully managed SaaS platform on AWS purpose-built to securely support water treatment

Simplified integration

Tie together analytics and modeling fed by direct data connections with integrated workflows

Infinite scalability

Be ready for growth with a scalable and elastic system built on AWS with cloud-native architecture

Incident management workflows

Rapidly identify site incidents and have a timeline view of all activities associated with resolution

What’s new in Info360 Plant

New features of Info360 Plant


Template analytics

Create customizable templates for simple and complex custom analytics. Template libraries make it easy to share insights internally or with Engineering Service Providers, streamlining data sharing and increasing collaboration. By scaling expertise and analysis, organizations can improve efficiency and deliver unique insights. (video: 50 sec.)


Compliance-ready data export tools

With compliance-ready data export tools and reports feature, automatically integrate data from multiple sources, including SCADA, LIMS, Billing, and IoT. Apply real-time data analytics to incoming data streams, reducing manual processing and eliminating spreadsheets. Streamline compliance reporting and minimize time-consuming tasks. (video: 21 sec.)


OPC-UA connection for SCADA integration

The Info360 Plant data connector now supports OPC UA protocol and direct interfacing with OSI PI historians. Simplify integration and configuration with existing SCADA systems and data historians, reducing the time to deployment for users accessing data from multiple sources.


Connecting to ArcGIS Online

Connect to ArcGIS Online to bring spatial layers and asset geometry into Info360 Plant, integrating ArcGIS Online geospatial data with analysis and visualization tools. Admin users can quickly set up integration with ArcGIS user credentials. Integrating eliminates the need for data exporting, improving data management accuracy. (video: 23 sec.)


More statistic functions to custom analytics

Additional statistic functions have been added to analytics, including: Improved error handling for easier troubleshooting when validating analytics, the ability to move rate of change calculations with user-specified data points, and a function to compare current to historical data for periods of interest (video: 44 sec.)


Pump performance analysis enhancements

The pump performance toolset now supports booster pumps, allowing users to assess performance relative to manufacturer specifications. Configure input suction pressures and add fixed corrections for physical offsets of pump sensors. Enhanced pump performance charts include visualization of all major pump performance metrics. (29 sec.)


Candlestick charts for tank/reservoir analysis

Tank and reservoir analysis has added candlestick charts, providing a visual representation of sensor data movements over time and identifying tank and reservoir data trends. Each candle represents opening, closing, high, and low values of the specified period, allowing users to make informed decisions. (26 sec.) 


User-inputted GIS spatial data

Info360 Plant continues to build on its range of tools to incorporate and integrate with a variety of GIS data streams. Ingest asset data, ancillary GIS data, service areas, or integrations with predefined ESRI feature services, enabling accurate spatial views within dashboards and user workspaces.


Global data range setting

Users can now set a global date range for all components within a workspace, simplifying the task of configuring and managing the date range for each component separately. View any data set, at any interval, at any time with ease and consistency. (27 sec.) 

More features of Info360 Plant

Configurable features to optimize processes

Advanced analytics and KPIs

Use custom and purpose-built KPIs for water and wastewater treatment to measure headworks loading, chemical use, sludge blanket, BNR, blower, compressor, disinfection, energy use, emissions, and performance against permits. Improve situational awareness, optimize responses, and minimize adverse impact with water-specific data processing and business intelligence tools.

Interactive process flow diagrams

View your plant operation in context by uploading your current P&IDs, process flows, and other diagrams and defining your own. Interact with your uploaded diagrams, and drag and drop to easily tag each facility and process flow with its associated live data and analytics for further discovery.

Detailed view of individual facilities

Configure analysis tailored to you. Easily define the facilities within your plant, such as pre-treatment, clarifiers, filtration, disinfection, activated sludge, and other operations. Associate the data, analytics, process flows, pictures, assets, and other information to enable flexible ad-hoc analysis in real time with a simple point and click.

Configurable workspaces

Personalize your user interface to meet the needs of each role in your organization. Designed to be utilized daily, workspaces include process flows, associated sensors and analytics for each facility, alert summaries, and rich data visualization for live and historical data.

24/7 event monitoring and alerts

Get real-time awareness of system anomalies on raw readings and statistically derived data. Within a single workflow, use the incident management toolset to apply sophisticated and easy-to-use analytics, allowing you to rapidly respond and scenario plan to mitigate impacts associated with the detected event.

Custom compliance analytics

Monitor sensor and lab measurements against permit compliance requirements to ensure water quality standards are consistently met. When you generate reports from Excel workbook templates to configure compliance and tracking reports, Info360 Plant will include measured data and analytics calculations—all in a reportable format.

User-built custom analytics

Create and build custom utility- and organization-specific analytics, enabling additional analysis beyond the extensive library of pre-built tools and analytics. Provide the tools for your internal teams and external consultants to continue to conduct and advance their analysis on your plants and facilities.

Pump performance analytics

Improve pump performance with analytics and visualization, including variable speed pumps with multiple manufacturers’ curves, before and after pump maintenance analysis, and a full view of multiple pump curves and clusters shown with respective locations—all within a single dashboard.

Downloadable data and analytics

Use your data outside Info360 Plant, including advanced industry-specific analytics, KPIs, and metrics. Info360 Plant delivers the data in a convenient CSV format—no need to wait for IT.

Upload your own data

Streamline drag and drop of flat file data sets, such as CSV files, with data scrubbing functionality to clean data and ensure it is analytic- and business intelligence-ready. Once uploaded, your data sets can be used throughout Info360 Plant to drive analytics, visualization, and compliance reporting.

Integrated map views

Get contextual awareness of where your facilities and sensors are geospatially located on your map. Visualize larger treatment facilities, reservoirs, pipes, and pump stations in relation to your main treatment plant. With integration to Info360 Insight, extend your view into the water and wastewater distribution network.

Secure SCADA and IoT integration

Connect your SCADA and IoT data to Info360 Plant using a highly secure real-time connection that protects your network infrastructure. Leveraging AWS Greengrass IoT device connectivity and secure connections, the integration is resilient and secure, with one-way access separate from your OT network.

Water models and networks integration

Info360 Plant interoperates with Info360 Insight for operational analytics of water and sewage networks. Extend your view and analysis upstream and downstream from the treatment facility with an additional subscription to Info360 Insight, enabling use of water simulation models for supply and demand flow analysis.