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Compare DWG viewers

DWG TrueView and other CAD file viewers

Are you trading in your multi-user subscription and have users who only need file-viewing access? Consider the free viewers below—no subscription required.

See supported files and features, and choose the free CAD file viewer that's right for you. These are free-to-use for both personal users and companies. Need to view other file formats such as FBX, Inventor, or other files? See all viewers

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Design Review (US Site)

Get the download (US Site)


Drafting and documenting tools for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing.

At a glance

  • View 50+ file formats in your browser.
  • No download or plug-in needed.
  • Use Shared Views to collaborate online with the people you're working with.
  • View DWG files.
  • Convert DWG file versions.
  • Mark up files (when you add Design Review for free).
  • View and mark up DWG files.
  • Requires installation of DWG TrueView.
  • View, create, edit, and share CAD drawings on your mobile device.
  • Available for iOS, Android, and Windows.
  • View 50+ file types directly in the browser.
  • Collaborate on 2d and 3d design files with your team.
  • Live design review and markup functionality.




View 2D files

View 3D files

Edit files

Create drawings

Mark up files

Share files

Convert .dwg versions

Live Design Review