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What is Within Medical?

Within Medical software is a 3D printing orthopedic implant design software that enables designers to create medical implants to aid osseointegration.

Within Medical features

  • Porous random latticing

    Design porous random lattices for orthopedic implants tailored for osseointegration.

  • Solid interfacing

    Precisely control interfaces between lattices and solids to ensure the longevity of implants.

  • Rough surface lattices

    Create a rough surface to reduce stress shielding and improve ingrowth.

See how customers are using Within Medical

  • Novax DMA trabecular implant for craneoplasty


    Expanding design possibilities

    Argentine medical technology company uses Within Medical to control the porosity of titanium 3D printed implants.

  • CEIT-KE maxillofacial implant


    Groundbreaking results in custom devices

    Slovakian bioengineering firm used Autodesk software to design an implant for a patient who lost more than 86% of maxillofacial bone tissue.