Review best practices for asset publishing

Parametric asset development best practices - Exercise

Task 1: Simplification

  1. Open the file mill.iam.

    Open the file mill.iam

  2. Review the parts in the assembly and notice the realistic detail contained in some of the components. Take note of patterned features, helical features, and various recessed pockets.

    2 parts assembly

  3. From the Simplification fly-out, click Simplify View.

    Simplify view

  4. In the Model Browser, select all the components except handle:1. Click the checkmark on the mini-toolbar to proceed.

    Model browser

  5. On the Simplification fly-out, click Define Envelopes.

    Simplification fly out

  6. Use the mini-toolbar to select the indicated components and convert each to a bounding cylinder. You may need to adjust the settings on the mini-toolbar.

    Mini toolbar settings

  7. Use the mini-toolbar to select the dedicated components and convert each to a bounding box. You will need to adjust the settings on the mini-toolbar.

    Select dedicated components

  8. On the Simplification fly-out, click Create Simplified Part.

    Create a simplified part

  9. Save the simplified part file to your student dataset using the appropriate name, template, and model type setting.

    Save to student files

  10. Review the new simplified part. Notice all the feature detail removed from this single part file. This file is not a good candidate for publishing as a factory asset. 
  11. Close all files without saving.


Task 2: Name and number spaces using the Space Naming tool

  1. Open file Shelf – Heavy Duty.ipt from the models directory.

    Open files

  2. Hold the Control button and select Extrusion1 and Extrusiton2 from the Model Browser. Right-click and select Show Dimensions. Note the named parameters already in place for Length, Height, and Depth. Click any other feature in the browser to clear the dimensions.

    Note named parameters
  3. Open the parameters dialog. 
  4. Review the existing parameters used for this design. Note the Depth parameter has already been set to multi-value. Adjust the value of the Depth parameter to 18”. Notice the model update automatically.

    Review existing parameters

  5. Set the value for Depth back to 24".
  6. Right-click on the Length parameter name and select Make Multi-Value.

    Select Make Multi Value

  7. Enter additional values for 4'-0" and 6'-0" then click the Add button. Click OK to create the multi-value parameter.

    Enter additional values

  8. Cycle through the values for Length making sure each value updates the model correctly. Return the value to 8'-0". 
  9. Note the parameters marked Key and Export.

    Key and Export

  10. Close the parameters dialog.
  11. Open the iProperties for the file and note the exported parameter values are displayed as iProperties on the Custom tab.


  12. Select the Project tab. Click the fx button adjacent to the Description property. Note the format of the Description field. The iProperty values for Length, Height, Depth, and Number of Shelves has been mapped to the Description property. Note the use of the equal sign (=) and the Less Than and Greater Than symbols in this formula. Hit Enter to exit the property mapping mode.

    The iProperty values
  13. Close the iProperty dialog. 
  14. Modify the parameters for Length, Depth, and No_of_Shelves. 
  15. Open the iProperties dialog and note the updated values of the Description field. 
  16. Return the model to the original values of 8' x 24" with 3 shelves. 
  17. Open the iLogic browser. Note: You may need to select the + sign ontop of the browser to activate the iLogic browser.

    iLogic browser

  18. Note the two existing rules for Color and Uprights.  
  19. Right Click on the Color rule and select Edit Rule.  
  20. Note the Select Case format and values used for this rule. Also note that this rule relies on the pre-existing Text parameter called Body_Color.

    Pre-existing text parameters
  21. Click Close without changing any data.  
  22. Edit the Uprights rule and review the If This – Else If format used there. Close the rule without changing the data.  
  23. Modify the values of the Body_Color and Uprights parameters in the parameter dialog. After testing various settings for Color and Upright suppression, return the shelf back to the original values.  
  24. Save the file.  
  25. On the Factory Tab, click the Asset Builder.

    Asset Builder

  26. On the Asset Builder tab, click Landing Surface. Select the bottom face of one upright leg.

    Asset Builder tab
  27. In the landing Surface dialog, click the Insertion Point selector. Select all four outside corners then click OK.

    Landing Surface dialog
  28. On the Asset Builder tab, click Define Connector.

    Define Connector

  29. Select one of the visible work points located at the bottom of the shelf. Select the Red axis arrow and then a model face that directs the arrow outward, away from the shelf (as shown).

    Away from the shelf

  30. Click the Blue Axis and then a face that directs the arrow upward (as shown). Right-click and select OK to create the connector.

    Blue Axis
  31. Repeat the process adding a connector on the opposite side of the shelf. 
  32. Locate the work points in the model browser and remove the visibility of each. 
  33. On the Asset Builder tab, select Asset Properties.

    Asset Properties
  34. Review the properties displayed in the Asset Properties dialog box. Note the value of the Descriptor and the adjacent option to display the value in AutoCAD. Click OK to close the Dialog.

    Asset Properties dialog box
  35. Note the Key Parameters, marked earlier in the parameters dialog, will be utilized as editable factory properties in the final asset design. Note: Any named parameter can be marked Key at this point.

    Key Parameters
  36. On the Asset Builder tab, click Publish. Save the file when prompted.

    Asset Builder tab
  37. Publish the Asset to your Local library for testing. Consider creating a new folder to keep your users' assets organized. 
  38. Start a new Factory Layout. 
  39. Click Refresh in the Asset Browser. 
  40. Locate the Shelf asset in User Asset Directory.
  41. Place several instances of the Shelf adjusting the available vales in the Factory Properties pallet.

    Factory Properties pallet
  42. Delete the local asset by right-clicking on it in the Asset Browser and selecting Delete. Note: This asset is available via the cloud already. If you wish to use it in the future, please access it via the Cloud.
  43. Close all files without saving.
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