Navigating the InfoDrainage Interface

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When working in InfoDrainage, why would there be tools in the interface that are grayed out and therefore are unavailable?

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The InfoDrainage interface is arranged logically, so that the tools, data, and plan view are easily accessible. It is a traditional ribbon interface, where the main program tools are arranged in logical groupings as tabs across the top. The Plan view tab is active, by default.

  1. Open InfoDrainage.

InfoDrainage only lets you see the tools that are available, depending on what state your project is in.

The InfoDrainage ribbon, Network Design panel with only a few tools available.

The Tree View is where all the project data is available, and all objects are managed. You can expand or collapse the nodes or “branches” of the tree to access the data and objects you want to work with. Simply click a plus node to expand, and a minus node to collapse.

  1. From the Tree View, expand or collapse the object nodes, such as the Storm node.
    The Tree View with an expandable object node called out.


The Toolbox contains the selection, measurement, and design tools. For example, the Select tool must be active for you to select an object in the Plan View. Like the Tree View, it is set up in a hierarchical format.  

  1. From the Toolbox, expand Tools and review the available tools.
    The Toolbox with a tool selected.
  2. Expand or collapse the object nodes, such as the Inflows node.

The Plan View is the main design surface where you work with your project model. There are two tabs at the bottom, Plan View and 3D View. 3D View is only available if you have imported 3D data.


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