
37 min.

Getting Started with InfoWorks ICM

Module overview

Get to know InfoWorks ICM and its capabilities for building hydraulic models, running a variety of simulations, and analyzing the results.

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Describe how InfoWorks ICM is used to build and simulate Integrated catchment models.
  • Describe what a hydraulic model represents and how confidence levels are an important part of integrated modeling.
  • Describe what a hydraulic model represents and how confidence levels are an important part of integrated modeling."
  • Define an urban drainage model and describe how it is used to simulate hydraulic interaction.
  • Identify an integrated model and name the different model types.
  • Identify levels of detail used in hydraulic models.
  • Describe how ICM works with 1D and 2D hydraulic simulation engines.
  • Describe how the geospatial user interface works within a multiuser environment.
  • Access the Help resources for ICM, including individual object help resources.