Accessing object properties from the GeoPlan

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When selecting an object to view its properties, what happens if your view is zoomed out too far?

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Step-by-step guide

After opening a network in the GeoPlan, the properties of network objects can be viewed and edited using property sheets. To complete this exercise, either create a new network and import 1D Sewer Network.isfm, or open an existing network in the GeoPlan.

To view and edit all data for a particular object, open the corresponding property sheet:

  1. On the GeoPlan Tools toolbar, click the Information tool.

A part of the InfoWorks ICM menu, showing the toolbars with the Information tool highlighted in the GeoPlan Tools toolbar.

  1. From the GeoPlan, select an object.
  2. Alternatively, with the Select tool active, double-click the object.

If the model view is zoomed out or multiple objects intersect, a Multiple Selection popup appears.

  1. In the Multiple Selection popup, select a single object to open.
  2. Click OK.

The Multiple Selection dialog box, with a specific Node being selected from the Choose One list, and <strong>OK</strong> being clicked.

The Object Properties Window opens to display data for the node, such as ground level and chamber area. Each row has a value field, an inline validation box for highlighting errors, and a flag field for tracking data sources.

The Object Properties window, displaying the object properties for a single selected node.

In this example, there are no additional flags set, except for the #D flag.

To edit any value:

  1. Type in the field or select a new value from the available drop-down menu.

By default, the Properties window is docked on the left side of the interface with the Database window.

To move the Properties window:

  1. Click the Properties title bar and drag the window to a different location.
  2. Drop it to dock the window in the location highlighted in blue.
  3. To return the Properties window to its default location, drag the title bar back to the bottom left of the screen.

To display object properties and simulation results:

  1. If simulation results are available, toggle between the object properties and object results view by clicking the Show Results tool.

The Object Properties window toolbar with Show Results highlighted.

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