Running a 1D simulation

Video quiz

Required for course completion

When setting up a 1D simulation in InfoWorks ICM, which setting in the Run View is used to define the criteria under which the Dry Weather Flow (DWF) Mode applies, which is commonly used to terminate the simulation after a set dry period following a rainfall?

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Step-by-step guide

With a model network and event boundaries set up, a model simulation can be set up to test the performance of the network over time. For this tutorial, you use a sewer network, along with previously created event data, to run a simulation.

Before running a simulation, a typical workflow is to receive a model from a client or consulting firm. This may contain the files needed for the simulation. Otherwise, the files need to be created first:

  1. From the File menu, select Open > Open transportable database.
  2. Navigate to the folder with the downloaded files for this tutorial.
  3. Select Running_Sim.icmt.
  4. Click Open.
  5. If a message asks to open the database in read-only mode, click Yes.

To copy the model group to the database:

  1. In the Explorer window, right-click Running_Sim and click Copy.
  2. In the Model Group, right-click the Main Database and select Paste: Running_Sim (with children).

The transportable database window with the model group for this exercise highlighted in red, and in the Model Group, the Database shortcut menu with Paste (with children) selected.

  1. In the popup window, click Continue.
  2. Close the Explorer window.

To set up the simulation:

  1. In the Model Group, expand the Running_Sim and 1D Sewer model groups.

Notice that there is already a simulation set up. When copying a simulation into an .icmt file, ICM brings in all associated files.

  1. Double-click M5 Run to open and view a completed design simulation setup.

The Model Group with M5 Run highlighted in red, and the Run View open to display settings for the M5 Run simulation.

  1. Close the Run View.

Now, create a new run using the 2001 Typical Year_Evap rainfall event:

  1. In the Model Group, right-click the 1D Sewer Model group and select New InfoWorks > Run to open the Run View.
  2. In the Run title field, enter "TSR Run".
  3. From the Model Group, drag 1D Simulation Model into the Run View and drop it into the InfoWorks network box. The border of the box turns from red to green.
  4. Drag 2001 Typical Year_Evap into the Run View and drop it into the Rainfall box.
  5. Drag Wastewater Profile into the Waste water box.
  6. Drag Trade Profile into the Trade waste box.
  7. Drag the Treatment Works selection list into the Additional objects to be gauged box.

Note that when dragging these data objects, they can only be dropped into the appropriate sections of the Run View or collectively into the run title area.

To set the time-related parameters for the run:

  1. Set a Start date of March 4, 2001, in the proper date format for the region.
  2. Set a Start time of 00:00.
  3. In the Timestep(s) field, enter 15.
  4. Set the Results timestep multiplier to 20, to give results for all objects every 300 seconds.
  5. Set the Gauge timestep multiplier to 4, to give results for gauged objects every 60 seconds.
  6. Set the Duration to 1.
  7. In the drop-down list, change the Duration units to Days.

The TSR Run simulation Run View with settings configured for this tutorial.

To run the simulation and view the progress:

  1. Click Run Simulations.
  2. In the Schedule Job(s) popup, for this tutorial, leave the defaults as is, and click OK.
  3. From the Window menu, select Job Control window to display the order and status of scheduled simulation jobs.

The Job Control window displaying information about the simulation job currently running, including Source, Target, and Status.

  1. Select Window > Job Progress window to view the progress of the simulation.

The Job Progress window displaying progress and other information about the simulation job currently running, including a graph of total inflow and outflow.

The Job Progress window can also be opened from the Job Control toolbar by clicking the View and control progress icon.

To set up a comparison simulation:

  1. In the Main Database, double-click the Design Run.

This simulation is already set up but does not have any results.

Set up timestep options to define the criteria under which the Dry Weather Flow (DWF) Mode applies. This can be used to speed up long time series simulations or commonly to terminate a design rainfall simulation after a set dry period following rainfall.

  1. In the Run View, click Timestep control.

The Run View for the Design Run simulation, with Timestep control highlighted.

  1. In the Timestep Control Options dialog box, select the Rainfall tab.
  2. Ensure that Check for rainfall is enabled with a Lag (min) of 300.

The Timestep Control Options dialog box, Rainfall tab, with Check for rainfall selected, and a Lag (min) of 300, which is highlighted.

  1. Click OK.
  2. In the Run View, click Re-run simulations.
  3. In the Schedule Job(s) popup, click Cancel.

The Design Run job appears in the Job Control window. As the runs complete, the color of the rows change to green to indicate a successful simulation.

The Job Control window with both runs displayed in green to indicate successful simulations.

The simulation icons in the Main Database also change color to indicate the simulation status. For this tutorial, both should be green.

In the Database, simulation icons for both runs are green to indicate successful simulations.

A set of simulation results is now available to analyze and interrogate, using the analysis tools within InfoWorks ICM.

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