Adding 2D network results objects

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Within a 2D mesh, network results objects are used to do what?

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One of the main challenges that users face is how best to extract and interpret 2D results in ICM. 2D element results can be individually interrogated using the Information, Graph Pick and Grid Pick tools, but are otherwise restricted.

2D network results objects:

Used to calculate the results on either a one-to-one, or one-to-many element basis.

Must be added to the model, the mesh re-generated, and the model committed prior to undertaking a simulation.

Three types:

  • Network results point (2D) - used to interrogate results at a point within a 2D mesh. The results are calculated for the 2D element that the point sits within.
  • Network results line (2D) - used to interrogate results along a line within a 2D mesh. The results are calculated for all the 2D elements that share an edge with the line.
  • Network results polygon (2D) - used to interrogate results in an area within a 2D mesh. The results are calculated from all elements contained within the polygon. Flow results are taken from the elements that share a face with the boundary line.

In the GeoPlan, an example model with all three types of 2D network results objects added.

Can be manually added or taken from external files, layers displayed in the GeoPlan view, or objects within the network. The Open Data Import Centre (ODIC) is used to import each of these external GIS layers. There are no associated properties to set for these objects.

Time-varying results can be displayed for all of these objects using the Graph Pick and Grid Pick tools—choose from additional result fields, such as Enclosed volume and Flow into polygon.

The Results toolbar highlighted in red, and in the Graph setup dialog box, Enclosed volume and Flow into polygon selected in the attributes to graph list.

A graph showing time-varying enclosed volume and flow into polygon results for the selected network results polygon (2D).

These objects can also be queried using SQL or Ruby, which puts them at an advantage over the 2D elements.

The SQL dialog box, with an example “Max Depth” query entered in the text box.

The Network results line (2D) and Network results polygon (2D) objects are currently the only way to access accurate flow results, as this is calculated at the element edges, and these results are not currently available by another means.

Additionally, as these objects are built into the mesh, they can be used for direct comparison between simulations that may have different mesh element arrangements, due to the addition of objects, such as for testing flood alleviation options. Opening results As alternative results for comparison allows results to be quickly and easily compared using the Graph Pick and Grid Pick tools.

In the Select Results dialog box, the As alternate results for comparison option selected.

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