Create and modify long sections

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Which of these objects is NOT found in a long section?

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Step-by-step guide

A long section (or section view) window displays a cross-section view through the length of a selected run of network objects. This long section view has many uses:

  • Inspect a run of nodes and links
  • Edit network objects by accessing their object properties window
  • View simulation results
  • Insert a node into a link displayed on the view

To complete this exercise, create a new network and import the 1D Sewer Network.isfm snapshot file, or open an existing sewer network model on the GeoPlan.

To use the Long Section Pick tool to create a long section window:

  1. In the menu bar, select GeoPlan > GeoPlan tools > Long Section pick,
    OR in the GeoPlan Tools toolbar, click the Long Section pick tool.

The InfoWorks ICM GeoPlan Tools toolbar, with the Long Section pick tool highlighted.

  1. On the GeoPlan, zoom in to a specific area and select a run of pipe.

The long section window opens:

An example of a long section window for a selected pipe run in a 1D Sewer Network, which shows a cross-section of the pipes, at depth, and with manholes.

  1. Click the title bar of the long section window to make it the currently active view.

A Section menu appears in the menu bar. To change the labels that are displayed:

  1. Open the Section Properties dialog box by selecting Section > Properties,
    OR right-click the long section and select Properties.

The Section Properties dialog box, for the selected long section window, with the Content tab active, which lists vertical scaling, grid labels, and other display options for various components.

The Content tab allows you to change how the long section is viewed and choose what grid labels are displayed along the X-axis.

To set the labels that are displayed:

  1. On the Content tab, in the Grid Labels group box, click Field Settings.
  2. In the Network Label Field Settings dialog box, in the list of object types, select Node.
  3. On the right, in the list of fields, select ground_level and flood_level.

The Network Label Field Settings dialog box, with Node selected in the list of object types, and in the list of fields, ground level and flood level selected.

  1. Change the object type to Conduit.
  2. In the list of fields, select conduit_height.
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Section Properties dialog box, click Apply to update the view.

The selected fields now appear at the bottom of the view with any associated flag colors.

The long section window of the same selected pipes, with the optional selected fields highlighted across the bottom in a table format.

  1. Click OK to close the Section Properties window.

To open the property sheet for any object in the long section:

  1. In the GeoPlan Tools toolbar, click Properties, and then click any node in the section window.
    OR, click the Select tool, and then double-click the node.

The Object Properties window displays the property sheet for the selected object to view or edit the object data.

  1. Right-click the long section for a menu of additional options. For example, select Nodes grid to open an object grid containing only the objects in the long section.

The long section window shortcut menu, with the Nodes grid option highlighted.

  1. Close the grid window.


  • Several long section windows can be open at the same time.
  • If a long section window contains multiple pages, the page number appears in the toolbar with Next and Previous arrow buttons to scroll through the pages.
  • Any theme applied to the GeoPlan is replicated in the long section.
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