Reintegrating scenarios

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When should you reintegrate a scenario and make it the base network?

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Step-by-step Guide

In InfoWorks WS Pro, if changes to a certain object or group of objects meet your needs within a scenario, make it your baseline scenario moving forward.

  1. Open the BridgeNet network and the BridgeCon control in the workspace.
  2. Select the PRV scenario.
  3. In the toolbar, click Manage scenarios.

The InfoWorks WS Pro Scenarios toolbar with PRV in the Select scenario drop-down and the Manage scenarios command called out and selected.

  1. In the Scenario dialog box, select Network.

In the Manage Network Scenarios dialog box, notice that the PRV scenario is selected.

To make PRV the new baseline scenario:

  1. Click Reintegrate.

The Manage Network Scenarios dialog box with the PRV scenario selected and Reintegrate selected.

  1. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

Notice in the Manage Network Scenarios dialog box, the PRV scenario disappears from the list and is promoted to Base.

The updated Manage Network Scenarios dialog box following reintegration, with PRV no longer in the list.

  1. Close the dialog box.

Note: To confirm that the new profile is in place, view the properties of the PRV. You can also re-run the Baseline simulation and graph the results, which now reflect the PRV’s new profile.

To undo the new baseline scenario, change and revert to a previous scenario:

  1. In the Model Group window, right-click the network and select Show commit history.

In the Model Group window, the network shortcut menu with Show commit history selected.

  1. In the Commit history dialog box, choose the version to revert to as the baseline.
  2. Click Branch.

The Commit history dialog box with a previous version of the network selected, and with Branch called out and selected.

  1. In the Network dialog box, enter a name for the branched network.
  2. Click OK.

Notice in the Model Group window, the newly branched scenario now appears under the base scenario.

The Model Group window with a newly branched scenario displayed under the base scenario.