Configuring results for generalized multi run simulations

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When running a generalized multi-run simulation, configuring which of the following helps save storage space on your machine?

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Step-by-step guide

Once a configuration for a generalized multi run has been set up in InfoWorks WS Pro and test cases have been created, users can specify a subset of results to keep.

  • Helps to identify scenarios that pass or fail the specified criteria.
  • Keep only needed results, thus saving data storage space.

To specify a subset of GMR results:

  1. Open the network and control in the background.
  2. From the Model Group, expand Generalized Multi Run.
  3. Open the Valve Closures GMR.
  4. In the Generalized Multi Run Configuration dialog box, click the Results tab.

In the Model Group, the Generalized Multi Run Group expanded to display the Valve Closures GMR, both highlighted in red, and in the Generalized Multi Run Configuration dialog box, the Results tab highlighted in red.

Test Cases group:

  • Access a Stored Query, which is used to select a subset of results.
  • Select a date and time at which the query should be run.

TVD results group:

  • Keep all TVD results and individual summaries: Selecting this stores all the time-variable results as well as the summary reports.
  • Discard all TVD results but keep individual summaries: If you do not want TVD results to take up storage, select this to discard them, but keep the summary reports.
  • Keep summary report only (default): The minimum for the retention of results, as this stores only the summary reports.
  1. Select Keep summary report only.

The Generalized Multi Run Configuration dialog box with Keep summary report only selected under TVD results.

Note: The summary report allows the generation of grid reports, as well as thematic coloration in the GeoPlan. This summary report is always retained.

  1. Click Save.