Performing a generalized multi run simulation

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From which of the following can you perform a generalized multi-run simulation?

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Step-by-step guide

Once a configuration for a generalized multi run has been set up in InfoWorks WS Pro with test cases created and the result and analysis settings configured, you can perform the run.

  1. Right-click Model Group and select New > Run Group.
  2. Right-click the Run Group and select New > Run.
  3. In the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, in the Title type box, name this run “Valve Closures”.
  4. Enable Experimental.

Note that if you do not enable Experimental, then the resulting GMR object will be locked to the run and read-only, and you will not be able to make small changes.

  1. Expand the Run Type drop-down and select Normal.
  2. From the Run Type group, select Generalized Multi Run.

The Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box open in front of the InfoWorks WS Pro interface, with the run title entered, Experimental enabled, Normal selected, and Generalized Multi Run about to be selected.

  1. In the Generalized Multi Run Options dialog box, to specify the previously created “Valve Closures” configuration, drag it from the Model Group and drop it into the Generalized Multi Run Config pane.
  2. OR, select Browse (>>), navigate to the configuration you want, and select it.
  3. Enter the number of test cases you wish to run for parallel processing. The default is set to 20.

Note: if you have a significantly powerful computer, you may wish to increase the number of test cases.

  1. Click OK.

The Generalized Multi Run Options dialog box, with the GMR Configuration set to the Valve Closures run and the default 20 Test cases per thread chosen.

  1. Back in the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, drag the network (Network!) into the Network pane.
  2. Drag a control (Control!) into the Control pane.
  3. Drag a demand diagram (BridgeTown ADAW) into the Demand Diagram pane.
  4. Click Run.

The Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, with the network, control, and demand diagram entered for the Valve Closures GMR.

After a few minutes, the run displays in the Model Group window.

Notice that there is only one simulation in the Run Group. This is because when these test cases were configured, the option to keep only the summary results was selected.

The completed run showing in the Model Group, with the GMR Configuration dialog box open as well.

  1. Right-click the run and select Open as.
  2. In the Select Results dialog box, select Summary report.
  3. Click OK.

A Summary Report appears that includes a table summary of each test case where the maximum pressure is below 20m.

The Summary Report for Control! dialog box, which shows the results from the Valve Closures GMR.

It also includes columns for the minimum, average, and maximum pressures, as well as the ID of the customer point it occurs at. This data represents the constraints you applied through the CP<20m stored query.