Setting up test cases for generalized multi run simulations

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When configuring a generalized multi run simulation, which of the following allows you the flexibility to review multiple scenarios?

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Step-by-step guide

In order to run a generalized multi-run simulation in InfoWorks WS Pro, the test cases must be configured first. The test cases provide results for different scenarios. This configuration is a database object that needs to be populated prior to setting up the simulation.

To set up test cases:

  1. Open a network and control.
  2. From the Model Group, right-click Model Group.
  3. Select Generalized Multi Run Group. A Generalized Multi Run group displays in the Model Group tree.

The InfoWorks WS Pro interface with a network and control open in the GeoPlan and a new Generalized Multi Run Group being created from the New flyout.

  1. Right-click the new Generalized Multi Run Group and select New > Generalized Multi Run Config.

The corner of the InfoWorks WS Pro interface, with the submenu open for the Generalized Multi Run Group and a new GMR configuration being selected for creation from the flyout.

  1. In the New Name popup, type “Valve Closures” for this exercise.
  2. Click OK.
  3. From the Model Group under Generalized Multi Run, right-click Valve Closures and select Open.

To specify multiple test cases in the grid of the Generalized Multi Run Configuration dialog box:

  1. Click the Test Cases tab.
  2. From the Model Group, drag Valves.
  3. Drop it into the Selection List.
  4. Expand the Object Type drop-down and choose Valve (Control). The test case grid populates with the corresponding object data.

The Generalized Multi Run Configuration dialog box, with the Values selection list dropped in and the Valve object type being chosen from the Object Type drop-down.

Note: When using a selection list, the object must exist in the list. Then, test cases will be created for all objects of that type in the list.

  1. Select the fields to include in the test case. For this exercise, select the Opening (%) field.
  2. Optional: Set the value for each parameter. For this exercise, in the Value column, set the percentage to 0.0.
  3. Optional: In the Test case name field, enter a name to be used for all test cases. For this exercise, leave this field blank.
  4. Enable the option Append object ID to test case name. This uses the object ID as a test case naming convention.
  5. Click Add. The test cases are created and appear in the grid.

The Generalized Multi Run Configuration dialog box, with the remaining options chosen and the test cases now appearing in the test case grid.

  1. Click Save.

IMPORTANT: If different test cases are given the same name, they will all be applied in the same run. Test cases with different names will be applied in separate runs.

Note: The wizard will not allow selection of individual objects. However, unwanted test cases can be deleted from the test case grid.

To remove test cases from the grid:

  1. Right-click the column of the unwanted test case.
  2. From the shortcut menu, select Delete Row. The test case is removed.

The test case grid of the Generalized Multi Run Configuration dialog box, with a row for a test case being selected for deletion and the submenu showing.