Setting up a Nastran Analysis

Setting up a Nastran Analysis - Exercise

  1. Open the Cable_Sheave_Setup.ipt part file from your working folder.
  2. In the Environments tab>Begin panel, click Autodesk Inventor Nastran.
  3. In the Nastran Analysis Tree, right-click on Solid 1 and select Edit.
  4. In the Idealizations dialog box, select the New Material icon:

  5. In the Material dialog box, click on Select Material
  6. Expand the Autodesk Material Library option and choose Alloy Steel from the list. 
  7. Select Ok to close the database. 
  8. Select Ok to close the Material dialog box. 
  9. Select Ok to confirm the Idealization update. 
  10. In the Autodesk Inventor Nastran tab>Mesh panel, click Generate Mesh.

  11. In the Autodesk Inventor Nastran tab>Setup Panel, click Constraints.
  12. In the Constraints dialog box, do the following: 
    • Change the Name to Fixed Base
    • Check the box next to the icon.
    • In the graphics window, select the bottom face of the part.

  13. Select Ok to close the dialog box. 
  14. From the Setup Panel, click Constraints.
  15. In the Constraints dialog box, do the following:
    • Change the Name to Y Symmetry
    • Check the box next to the icon.
    • Under Symmetry select the Y option. 
    • In the graphics window, select the right face of the part.

  16. Select Ok to close the dialog box. 
  17. In the Autodesk Inventor Nastran tab>Setup Panel, click Loads.
  18. In the Loads dialog box, do the following:
    • Change the Name to 5000lbf Sheave
    • Check the box next to the icon.
    • Using the Type menu, select Bearing Load
    • In the graphics window, select the cylindrical hole face of the part. 
    • Under Magnitude, type -5000 in the Fx box.

  19. Select Ok to close the dialog box.
  20. Save the Model.
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