Get started with Inventor Nastran - Summary

You have finished this lesson! Here are the major takeaways:

  • We discussed how to get started with Inventor Nastran, including an introduction to Finite Element Analysis, defining idealizations and materials, generating a finite element mesh, applying boundary conditions, and choosing analysis types within the Autodesk Inventor platform.
  • We showed how to prepare a CAD model for Finite Element Analysis by creating a model state, suppressing unnecessary parts, combining components, simplifying geometry, splitting faces for load application, and applying symmetry to reduce model size.
  • We explained how to set up an Inventor Nastran analysis by activating the Nastran environment, choosing the analysis type, defining materials, constraints, and loads, creating idealizations, meshing the model, and confirming settings before solving the analysis and validating the results.
  • We demonstrated how to begin an Inventor Nastran analysis by loading the environment, defining materials, generating a default mesh, applying constraints, and adding a bearing load to the model.
  • We discussed how to run and analyze an Inventor Nastran analysis by meshing the model, running the study, viewing and validating the results, and creating plots to visualize the data accurately.
  • We showed how to run an Inventor Nastran analysis using a simplified model by running the solver, viewing stress and displacement results, using the XY Plot function for detailed data, and refining the mesh size to improve result accuracy.

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