Assigning loads and constraints to a simulation

Assigning loads and constraints - Exercise

  1. Open the Hitch.ipt from your working folder. 
  2. In the Environments tab>Begin panel, click Autodesk Inventor Nastran
  3. In the Autodesk Inventor Nastran tab>Setup panel, click Loads
  4. In the Load dialog box, do the following: 
    • Set the Type to Bearing Load
    • Right-click in the Selected Entities box and select Select Faces
    • In the model, select the cylindrical surface shown below:

    • For the Magnitude (lbf), set Fz to 1000
    • Set the Name to 1000lbf Bearing Z+.
    • Click OK.

  5. The load is added to the model. Note that the Bearing Load has also been added to the Loads section in the Nastran Model Tree.

  6. In the Setup panel, click Loads
  7. In the Load dialog box, do the following: 
    • Set the Type to Gravity.

    • For the Magnitude (in/s^2), set Fy to -386.4
    • Set the Name to Gravity
    • Click OK
  8. In the Nastran Model Tree, right-click on the Total Load subcase and select Duplicate
  9. In the Autodesk Inventor Nastran tab>Setup panel, click Constraints.
  10. In the Constraint dialog box, do the following: 
    • Set the Type to Pin Constraint
    • Right-click in the Selected Entities box and select Select Faces
    • In the model, select the two cylindrical surfaces shown below:

  11. Verify that Fix Radial Direction and Fix Axial Direction are checked in the constraints dialog box. 
  12. Change the Name to Pin Constraint.

  13. Select OK
  14. In the Autodesk Inventor Nastran tab>Setup panel, click Constraints
  15. In the Constraint dialog box, do the following: 
    • Set the Type to Structural
    • Right-click in the Selected Entities box and select Select Faces
    • In the model, select the two surfaces shown below:

  16. Clear all the checkboxes under Degrees of Freedom
  17. Check the box for Ty
  18. Check the box next to the glasses icon. 
  19. Adjust the Density slider a bit towards the middle. 
  20. Change the Color to Orange.

  21. Change the Name to Receiver Constraint
  22. Select OK
  23. Save and Close the Model.
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