BOM reports and exporting files and data

In this lesson, we’ll explore the different data you can pull from Upchain. We’ll cover reports and exports, and highlight the difference between them.

BOM reports

Reports in Upchain make it easy to summarize data and share it internally or with a third party. Let’s explore different reports available in the BOM interface.

Key takeaways

  1. The Item Details report provides detailed information for a specific item, available in a PDF format.
  2. The BOM report contains the eBOM attributes for an item and its child parts.
  3. BOM reports are available as an Excel spreadsheet.

Exporting in the BOM interface

Let’s export different files from the BOM interface. We’ll cover exporting to Excel and exporting models, drawings, and translations. We’ll also generate a bulk export for all the files available.

Key takeaways

  1. Use Export to Excel to download a spreadsheet of your BOM.
  2. Models, drawings, and translations can be exported as individual ZIP files.
  3. Bulk export is an easy way to export CAD, drawings, translations, and non-CAD documents in a single ZIP package.
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