Searching for and reusing CAD and items in Upchain - Quiz

Searching for and reusing CAD and items in Upchain - Quiz

Required for course completion

6 questions

Follow these instructions and answer the question below:

  1. Check out your cloned assembly.
  2. Right-click a child component that was not cloned.
  3. Select Replace. 
  4. When this process finishes, refresh the cBOM view. 
  5. Check in the assembly.
Is the following statement true or false?

The original item still exists in the assembly's eBOM.

(Select one)
Select an answer

Follow these instructions and answer the question below:

  1. Select an item from the search results and click the Replace button.
  2. Open the cBOM view and click Refresh.

What must happen next for the inserted item to be added to the eBOM?

(Select one)
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Follow these instructions and answer the question below:

  1. Check out your cloned assembly.
  2. Right-click a child component that was not cloned.
  3. Select Replace. 
  4. When this process finishes, refresh the cBOM view. 
  5. Check in the assembly.

Is the following statement true or false?

The new item and the original item contain the same file name.

(Select one)
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Follow these instructions and answer the question below:

  1. Check out an assembly from Upchain.
  2. Search for an item in Upchain using Advanced Search.
  3. Close the Advanced Search, right-click a component in your checked-out assembly.
  4. Select Replace component.

Does the Advanced Search retain your search results from Step 2?

(Select one)
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Which of the following is TRUE about tasks? Select all which apply.

Select up to 5
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Follow these instructions and answer the question below:

  1. Open the assembly you registered in the MCAD3 course and refresh the cBOM view.
  2. Right-click the item and select Copy. 
  3. Ensure the box is ticked beside the assembly and a few (not all) of its child components. 
  4. Click Clone.
  5. Open the new assembly, refresh the cBOM view. 
  6. Check in the new assembly.

What happens during the clone process? Select all that are TRUE.

Select up to 6
Select an answer

6/6 questions left unanswered

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