Migrating Civil 3D files and data shortcuts to BIM 360

Migrate Civil 3D drawings and Data Shorts to BIM 360 - Exercise

Setting up External References (Xrefs) for use in BIM 360

  1. Start Civil 3D and open ConnectedLearningWay-RD01 Civil 3D.
  2. Open the Xref Tool Palette and confirm Xrefs are leveraging relative pathing.

  3. Check the status of your Data References and where the Data Shortcuts are located.

  4. Close Civil 3D or ensure all drawings have been closed and saved.

Setting up External References (Xrefs) for use in BIM 360

  1. Open an Internet browser and navigate to your BIM 360 Project.
  2. Under the Project Files directory, create a folder named Civil, if it does not exist.
  3. Select Upload Files, navigate to your project directory and select the following drawings:
    • _DR-ALIGN.dwg
    • _DR-CORR.dwg
    • _DR-SRF_EG.dwg
    • _XR-SitePlan.dwg

Migrating Data Shortcut project

  1. Open Windows File Explorer and Navigate to BIM 360.
    1. Expand BIM 360.
    2. Expand your BIM 360 Hub.
    3. Navigate to the Civil folder under the Project Files directory.
    4. Create a new folder named C3D_DS.

  2. Open another Windows File Explorer and Navigate to the location where your project files are stored.
    1. Navigate to the Working folder for your Civil 3D Data Shortcuts.
    2. Select the Data Shortcuts Project named Collaboration_DS.
  3. Right-click on the Collaboration_DS, holding the right button down, drag and drop under your C3D_DS folder.

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