Creating teams, adding members, setting permissions

Folder Permissions

As a project administrator, you can restrict user access to certain folders or limit access according to role or company.

Sub-folders automatically inherit the permission level of the parent folder, but can be changed later. If changed, sub-folder permissions must match the access level of the parent folder, or else have a greater (less restricted) access level of the parent folder.

Permission levels include:

  • View only: User/role/company may view documents, add private markups, and create issues.
  • View/Download: User/role/company may view documents, add private markups, create issues.
  • Upload only: User/role/company may upload documents but not see the folder contents.
  • View/Download + Upload: User/role/company may share their own documents with team members and view any other documents in that folder.
  • View/Download + Upload + Edit: User/role/company may share their own documents with team members, view and edit any other documents in that folder, and publish markups.
  • Folder Control: User/role/company may share their own documents with team members and view and edit any other documents in that folder. With folder control permission they can also carry out tasks within that folder that are usually restricted to the project administrator. This includes creating title blocks, adding project members, managing permissions, and editing set assignment. This permission level offers the greatest access to folders.
Note: View only permissions have the following limitations:
  • Can't view image files
  • Can't use Desktop Connector
  • If view settings are not set to BIM Viewer PDFs can't be viewed on mobile

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