• Revit

Use advanced tagging options

Create, place, and review electrical-based annotations.

Step-by-step guide

Create, place, and review electrical-based annotations.

  1. Open the project E06_01.rvt.
  2. Ensure the current view is Lighting > Floor Plans > 1 – Lighting.
  3. Right-click the view 1 – Lighting and choose Duplicate View > Duplicate with Detailing.

In the open Revit project, in the Project Browser, Duplicate View is selected in the 1 – Lighting shortcut menu, and Duplicate with Detailing selected in the flyout.

  1. Rename the duplicate view “1 – Lighting Tagged”.
  2. Press TAB to highlight the hallway circuit.
  3. Click to select the hallway circuit.

In the 1 - Lighting Tagged view, the hallway circuit is highlighted as selected.

  1. From the ribbon, click Arc Wire to convert the selection to an arc wire.
  2. From the Annotate tab, select Tag By Category.
  3. In the Options Bar, make sure the Leader option is off.
  4. Place a tag against any one of the wires in the hallway circuit.
  5. Move it away from the wire using the move grip on the tag.
    The tag displays the circuit number:

In the zoomed-in lighting view, the tag placed against one of the wires on the hallway circuit, and moved away from the wire, and showing the circuit number as 5 for this example.

  1. Open the panel schedule for panel board LP-2. Select circuit 5 and then click the Move Down button on the ribbon to move the circuit to position 7.

In the Modify Panel Schedule tab of the ribbon, Move Down is being selected, and in the panel schedule for panel board LP-2, circuit 5 has been moved to position 7.

  1. Return to the view 1 – Lighting Tagged.
  2. Note the updated circuit reference.
  3. Select the tag.
  4. Click Edit Family to open it in the Family Editor.

In the 1 – Lighting Tagged view, the updated circuit reference—now 7—is highlighted as selected, and in the ribbon, Edit Family is being selected.

  1. Click Save As to save this tag to a suitable location with the name “Electrical design tag”.
  2. Select the label that currently reads Circuits from the view.
  3. On the ribbon, Modify | Label contextual tab, Label panel, click Edit Label.

In the view, the label that reads “Circuits” is selected, and on the ribbon, Edit Label is being selected.

  1. In the Edit Panel dialog box, select Panel from the list of parameters on the left.
  2. Use the green arrow in the center to add it to the list of Label Parameters.
  3. Click Move Parameter Up to place Panel above Circuits in the list of label parameters.
  4. Click OK.

In the Edit Label dialog box, Panel is selected from the list of Label Parameters, and below the table, Move parameter up is selected.

  1. Use the grips to increase the width of the box.
  2. Select and edit the label again.
  3. In the Suffix field of the panel row, add a space, and then a dash.
  4. Click OK.

Note that the label is updated:

The updated label reading “Panel – Circuits”.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Load into Project.
  3. Ensure the current view is 1 – Lighting Tagged.
  4. Select the current tag from the screen.
  5. From the Type Selector, change the tag to Electrical design tag.

In the 1 – Lighting Tagged view, the current tag of “7” is selected, and in the Type Selector, Electrical design tag is being selected.

Note the new tag in use:

The previous tag of “7” now reads as “LP-2 – 7”.

  1. Select a lighting fixture from the hallway circuit.
  2. On the ribbon, Modify | Lighting Fixtures contextual tab, click the Electrical Circuits tab.
  3. Expand the Panel drop-down and change the panel board to LP-1.
  4. Press ESC to clear the selection.

In the 1 - Lighting Tagged view, a lighting fixture from the hallway circuit selected and highlighted, and on the Electrical Circuits tab of the ribbon, LP-1 is selected in the Panel drop-down.

  1. Note the electrical design tag updates with the change of the panel board to LP-1.

The updated electrical tag reading “LP-1 – 1”.

  • Save the project.