• InfoWorks WS Pro

Viewing results

Identify different ways to view the results of a simulation.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:

Step-by-step Guide

When using InfoWorks WS Pro, there are several ways to view simulation results to better understand how a model is performing, and to make it easier to locate and address mistakes.

  1. In the Model Group window, expand Run Group > BridgeTown Base. If BridgeCon is slightly transparent, right-click BridgeTown Base and select Re-run.

The Model Group window with the tree view expanded to show the Database contents, with the BridgeCon run highlighted for selection.

  1. Drag and drop BridgeCon from the Model Group window into the GeoPlan to view its results.

Note: Simulation results are read-only, so changes cannot be made within the results GeoPlan.

Note: The results window displays the date and time of the run and an angle bracket (>) between the name of the run group and the run.

The results window with the date and time of the run highlighted and the name of the run group and the run highlighted.

  1. To review the results as a graph, in the toolbar, click Graph.

The Tools toolbar with the Graph command selected.

  1. In the GeoPlan, pick an object in the network, such as a pipe.
  2. In the Selection dialog box, click Flow.

The selection dialog box for graphing results with the Flow results selected for the selected pipe.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Review the graph detailing the flow through the pipe (Y-axis) over a 24-hour period (X-axis).

The graphed results of the flow of a pipe that show the flow in Mgal/day over a 24-hour period of time.

  1. Close the graph.
  2. In the GeoPlan, review the arrows on pipes. The direction of the arrows depicts the direction of water flow.

To move the simulation timeline:

  1. On the date and time panel, click different points on the date and time panel.

The top-left corner of the GeoPlan, showing the date and time panel with a highlight indicating the change in time and date.

Notice any flow direction changes.

To graph results for more than one object:

  1. In the Tools toolbar, click Select.

The Tools toolbar, with the Select command highlighted.

  1. In the GeoPlan, click any object in the network, such as a pipe.
  2. On your keyboard, hold CTRL and click another object, such as another pipe.
  3. In the Tools toolbar, select Graph selected objects.

The Tools toolbar, with the Graph selected objects command highlighted.

  1. In the Graph Selection dialog box, under Left Attribute, select Flow.
  2. Under Right Attribute, select Flow.
  3. Click OK.

The Graph Selection dialog box with Flow selected for both the left and right attributes for the selected pipe objects.

  1. Review the graph in the Multiple Objects window.
  2. Close the window.

To view results in a grid format:

  1. In the toolbar, select Grid.

The Tools toolbar, with the Grid command highlighted.

  1. In the GeoPlan, pick an object in the network, such as a hydrant.
  2. Review the grid that shows the date and time by row and the object’s attributes.

Note: You can copy and paste this grid into a spreadsheet, if necessary.

The results grid dialog box, with the data for the BridgeTown Base selected hydrant showing the flow, demand, head, and other data at several times throughout the day.

  1. Close the grid.
  2. To review results in other graph formats, select Results > Graph reports and select an option.
  3. To review results in other grid formats, select Results > Grid reports and select an option.

The Results menu with the Grid Reports flyout displayed, to show all options that could be chosen.

  1. To export results, select Results > Export to files.
  2. In the Export Results Data Files dialog box, choose the data you want to export.
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