• Informed Design

Input and Model Rules – Codeblocks

If your Inventor models contain ilogic rules, it's a good idea to review them with a focus on Informed Design best practices before publishing your product definition.

Here, the original rule is restructured into two rules.

First is an input rule to handle model parameter changes.

And also a model rule which uses the parameter changes to update or manipulate the inventor model.

Essentially, we separate the input ilogic rule from the model ilogic rule or rules so that the input rule can be disabled and run instead from informed design.

Input rule functionalities include logic to set the minimum, maximum, or increment of parameter values.

As well as logic to set multi value parameter lists based on a condition or input value.

And logic that involves formulas and equations to drive input parameter values from other inputs.

Model rule functionalities include those that manipulate the Inventor model, including suppression states of features, components, or constraints, as well as adding or removing assembly components or constraints, setting component parameters or eye property values and updating or saving the document.

Input rules can exist in both ilogic and Informed Design. So that the model can be configured in Inventor, as well as in Revit using Informed Design.

However, we should ensure that ilogic input rules and the informed design input rules are not in conflict.

When using the model in Informed Design from Revit, any ilogic rules that might be in the Inventor model will be run after the Informed Design rules are run. So if there is a conflict, ilogic rules will have the last say in the result.

In summary, it is best to keep ilogic input rules separate from model rules.

Input rules only involve input parameters in the base model for driving configurations.

Model rules involve manipulating the Inventor model as a result of the parameter changes from input rules.