Create a new shared parameter

Configuring Shared Parameters

Since we have cut sections and elevations, we were able to drag those onto a sheet. But how does the annotation family know exactly what to display?


To see how sections and elevations work, follow these steps.

1- Open Revit. 

2- Go to Families, then to open.

3- Open the architectural project

4- Now open the Landing Page family

5- In the Landing Page family, click the Label button.


6- Click the Add Parameter button as shown below.


7- For Parameter Type click the Select… button.

8- Click the Create button to create a new Shared Parameters file.

9- Save it somewhere as Project_Project Parameters.txt

10- Under Groups, click New…


11- Name it Project Information.

12- Click New… under Parameters.

13- Call it SED Number.

14- Make the type of parameter Text.


15- Click OK.

16- Click Add Parameter(s) to Label


17- Click OK.

18- Save the family and click Load into Project and Close.


19- Overwrite the family if prompted to do so.

20- Go to the Manage tab.

21- Click Project Parameters.


22- Click Add…

23- Select Shared Parameters

24- Click Select…


25- Select SED Number.

26- Click OK.

27- Under Categories, select Project Information.


28- Click OK.

29- Click OK

30- Click Project Information

31- Change SED Number to 12345


Congratulations! You now know how to use Shared Parameters.