Working with item documents in Upchain

Explore how to manage documents associated with items in the web application. We’ll begin by demonstrating how to perform the initial upload of a document to both a document category and a specification type, manage daily changes, send it to a workflow, and finally publish it. We’ll also discuss how a document’s lifecycle is related to the item’s lifecycle and how you can ensure you manage both correctly.

Module overview

Explore how to manage documents associated with items in the web application. We’ll begin by demonstrating how to perform the initial upload of a document to both a document category and a specification type, manage daily changes, send it to a workflow, and finally publish it. We’ll also discuss how a document’s lifecycle is related to the item’s lifecycle and how you can ensure you manage both correctly.  

This content takes approximately 35 minutes to complete. By the end, you should be able to:

  • Upload a document to a document category and/or specification type of an item
  • Manage daily changes of a document and publish a document
  • View documents in the PDF Viewer when possible
  • Explain how the lifecycle of a document relates to the lifecycle of the item