• InfoWater Pro

Protector - check for network vulnerabilities

Conduct a criticality analysis by breaking selected pipes in the system, and viewing the generated report.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


The Vulnerability module of the Protector conducts a criticality analysis by breaking selected pipes in the system, one at a time, and then determining if the pressures and flows can be satisfied with the pipe out of service. A report showing the effects of each pipe break is generated at the completion of a Vulnerability analysis.

  1. Double-click the desired project .aprx file to open ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Click the InfoWater Pro tab to open the InfoWater Pro ribbon.
  3. In the Project panel, click Initialize.

Start by running a simulation for the current scenario:

  1. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, in the Analysis panel, click Run to open the Run Manager.
  2. Click Run to run the simulation and create an output for the current scenario.

On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Project panel, Apps highlighted in red; and in the App Manager, the Protector app selected and highlighted in red, with Run selected.

  1. Close the Run Manager.

To access the Protector:

  1. On the ribbon, in the Project panel, click Apps.
  2. From the Apps Manager, select Protector.
  3. Click Run.

On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Project panel, Apps highlighted in red; and in the App Manager, the Protector app selected and highlighted in red, with Run selected.

  1. In the Protector app, switch to the Vulnerability tab.
  2. Under Pipe Break Selection, enable Exclude Dead Ends.
  3. Select All to assess all pipes except dead ends in the model.
  4. Under Simulation Data, click Select Time.
  5. Use the slider to set the Desired Time to 06:00 hrs.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Under Save to Selection Set, from the Critical Pipes drop-down, select CRITICAL_PIPES.
  8. From the Non-Critical Pipes drop-down, select NON_CRITICAL_PIPES.
  9. Click Press. Criteria.

In the Protector app, on the Vulnerability tab, settings for this example configured and highlighted in red, and the Press. Criteria button selected.

  1. In the Edit Minimum Pressure Requirements dialog box, verify that the Global Pressure Value is set to 20, with the Pressure Unit set to psi.

The Protector: Edit Minimum Pressure Requirements dialog box, with the Global Pressure Value set to 20 and the Pressure Unit set to psi, both highlighted in red.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Click Run to run the Vulnerability analysis and open the Vulnerability Report.
  3. View the Status column to see which pipes passed or failed.

The Protector: Vulnerability Report, with columns for Pipe ID, Status, Flow Condition, several pressure violations, and Critical Node ID.

    • If a pipe rupture causes the network to be hydraulically disconnected, then an undesirable Flow Condition of Cannot Supply Demand is reported.
    • If the system remains hydraulically connected, a Flow Condition of OK is reported.
    • If a pipe rupture results in a system that is hydraulically connected but unable to deliver the minimum specified pressures, a Flow Condition of OK is reported. In this case, the number of junction nodes that failed to meet the target pressures is displayed in the corresponding Pressure Violation field, and the junction node with the maximum pressure violation is displayed in the Critical Node ID field.
  1. Close the report.
  2. Click Update Map to review the location of critical pipes by color.

Blue pipes are dead-end pipes, red pipes are critical pipes, and green pipes are non-critical pipes.

  1. Click Close to exit the Protector.