• InfoWorks ICM

Understanding InfoWorks ICM licensing and components

As an administrator, you will understand the different ICM components and the licensing requirements.

Understanding InfoWorks ICM Licensing and Components

As an administrator, understand the different ICM components and the licensing requirements.

The installation of InfoWorks ICM includes:

  • User interface—used to create, access, and manage data
  • Agent Manager Service—manages simulations

Both components require licensing.

The Agent Manager dialog box, with settings for configuring the service and agent.

The InfoWorks Workgroup Server (IWS), which does not require a license to run, can be installed on a user’s machine to manage workgroup databases locally, or on a centralized server for workgroup functionality.

Two separate licensing versions of InfoWorks ICM:

  • Ultimate provides access to all InfoWorks ICM features.
  • Standard is intended for single users on a standalone machine and has a few restrictions.

For up-to-date restrictions, please see the Autodesk licences Help pages.

From version 2025, it is possible to launch both versions from a single installation. To switch between products, change the Target path in the shortcut properties.

IMPORTANT: It is NOT possible to have both Standard and Ultimate installed on the same machine for a prior version.

The type of license being used is displayed in the About InfoWorks dialog. The license number is displayed in the Additional Information window. Access to your Autodesk license is required when running simulations.

The About InfoWorks dialog, with the license used in this example listed as InfoWorks ICM – Ultimate.

The Autodesk Account menu includes options to view purchase options, manage your license, change privacy settings, or sign out and quit the software.

In a zoomed-in view of the top-right corner of the ICM interface, the expanded Autodesk Account menu.

For further questions, please contact Autodesk Support.

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