After leaving New York City in 1997, Stevens moved to rural Pennsylvania, setting up her business and studio in a converted barn. She stayed “low-tech” until a devastating fire 12 years ago. It wiped out her entire workshop and all of the metal templates she had hammered and created over the years; she had never done any drawings. As she looked to rebuild her business, she met with a man who owns and operates a photochemical-machining company that etches sheet metal (and now etches her metal today). He gave her a big reality check.
“He took one look at my work and said, ‘I know for a fact you're going to have to do your own drawings—I am not doing them for you.' He was super clear about that,” Stevens says. “It felt like a slap in the face at first, but my husband said, ‘He's totally right. Your designs are so particular. You have got to do the drawings.'”