Civil 3D for rail design

Efficiently model and analyze rail projects

Accelerate planning, design, and delivery of transit stations and rail networks.

Civil 3D features for rail redesign


Alignments and profiles

Use rail alignments to create rail lines with common stationing based on specified tolerances that adjust with changes to parent rail alignment geometry, profile, and cant. (video: 1:46 min.)

Special trackwork design

Design turnouts for branching alignments and crossover switches connecting parallel alignments based on a library of turnout and crossover types that you can edit, delete, or supplement.

Corridor modeling

Build 3D track corridor models, including alignments, profiles, and assemblies. Incorporate designs for switches, turnouts, platforms, and calculations for cant. (video: 54 sec.)

Learn more (US Site)

Platform edge design

Design platform edges for light or heavy rail using single or dual platform subassemblies with a dynamically updating platform edge running along a track. (video: 1:01 min.)

Design automation

Use visual programming to generate scripts that automate repetitive and complex tasks, including electrification, signaling, and other system elements. (video: 2:42 min.)

Connect other Autodesk products for rail design

Optimize rail design throughout all project phases

Establish context and perform conceptual and detailed designs of horizontal and vertical structures. (video: 2:18 min.)

Streamline rail track design

Conduct detailed modeling and documentation of rail network assets. (video: 4:07 min.)

Automate design workflows

Use Dynamo to automate design and detailing of complex and routine tasks to accelerate project processes. (video: 2:37 min.)