Key features of Autodesk InfoWater Pro

Discover key functionalities of Autodesk InfoWater Pro that help hydraulic modelers effectively plan, design, and operate water distribution systems.

Model within ArcGIS Pro

Use geospatial tools to efficiently build and edit models, present results, and generate maps

Model-telemetry connection

Be more confident in your model by connecting external telemetry data for continuous verification

What-if scenarios

Create, analyze, and compare what-if scenarios to understand the impact of model modifications

Pressure zone schematic

Quickly view the entire model in a schematic view and get a performance summary of each zone

Pressure-dependent demand

Water models can provide more realistic results during outage simulations

Fire flow analysis

Easily confirm fire flow capacity by evaluating and improving the readiness of the water supply to fight fires

Fix water quality issues

Analyze the movement and concentration of a single constituent or multiple interacting chemical species

Track old water

Model water age to control odors and find the percentage of water originating from a specified location

Valve criticality

Prioritize expenditure for maintaining the serviceability of key assets by ranking critical valves

Unidirectional flushing (UDF)

Understand the hydraulics when flushing the system, to locate pipes to be flushed and valves to be closed

Better network visualization

3D visualization allows for new ways to view model data and understand results

Transient analysis

Simulate surge events and test the effectiveness of hammer protection devices

Features of Autodesk InfoWater Pro

What’s new in Autodesk InfoWater Pro?


Cloud Simulations for Fire Flow

Improve the speed of your fire flow analyses by running multiple simulations of hydrants at the same time using the cloud. (video 44 sec.)


Included surge analysis

Autodesk InfoWater Pro lets you simulate transients and test surge protection devices in what-if scenarios to avoid catastrophic pipe failure at no extra cost.


ArcGIS Pro 3.0 support

Model water systems within the latest ArcGIS Pro 3.0. (video: 31 sec.)


Background simulation processing

The Simulation Task Manager in Autodesk InfoWater Pro enables runs in the background. This capability empowers you to keep working on your model while the model is running, and to re-run any model changes immediately. (video: 1:59 min.)


Simulation report summary

Thanks to simplified simulation results, anyone with any level of experience in water modeling can easily understand hard-to-diagnose hydraulic model issues. You can also visualize and zoom in on the element of the simulated model that changed status the most. (video: 2:31 min.)

Water modeling with InfoWater Pro

Control Center Overview

View a summary of rule-based controls, simple controls, initial status, remote valve controls, and variable speed pump controls in a single dialog box.

Connection to Info360 Insight

If you don’t have access to SCADA systems within Live Data Adapter (LDA), connect to Info360 Insight to get data analytics and preview Info360 Insight patterns through LDA.

Improved Live Data Adapter

The SCADA Event Manager functionality allows you to create a library of separate SCADA Events that can be selected within Gap Analysis.

Demand allocator

Calculate and distribute demands based on both existing systems and future system conditions.


Model the propagation and concentration of naturally disseminated, accidentally released, or intentionally introduced contaminants and chemical constituents throughout the systems.

Pressure zone manager

Identify and delineate each pressure zone based on its boundary elements and generate a hydraulic schematic for each pressure zone.

Criticality assessment manager

Carry out a detailed assessment of the hydraulic impact of valve operations on customer service and score asset criticality.


Determine the most cost-effective pumping and valve policies to reduce costs and provide more reliable and safe operations.


Find out the most cost-effective and efficient design and rehabilitation of water distribution piping systems.

Pump system analysis

Design new pumping stations that meet pumping capacity requirements and maintain optimal pumping efficiency.


Reduce excessive pipe segmentation by dissolving interior nodes based on user-specified attributes, while automatically readjusting demands to construct reliable network models.


Run in reverse time to compute input-output hydraulic and water quality characteristics for all flow paths between input sources and output nodes.


Allow multiple water utility departments maximum interaction with spatial photography by publishing hydraulic models to Google Earth.


Determine pipe status and roughness coefficients, pump and valve status, and demand distribution to provide a well-calibrated model that best reflects actual system conditions.

Water quality calibrator

Adjust pipe wall reaction coefficients to provide a calibrated water quality model and best reflect actual water quality conditions in the distribution system.

Multi-species analysis

Perform advanced water quality analysis, assessing reactions between multiple chemical and biological contaminants.