Account management for admins

Align payment dates

If you have multiple subscriptions with the same term length and payment method, contract managers can align billing dates to consolidate statements and simplify the billing process.


Purchases made using PayPal cannot be aligned unless you change your payment method to a credit card.


If you have multiple contracts with different term lengths and payment methods, contact your reseller or Autodesk sales to merge your contracts and align payment dates (see Co-terming contracts).


When you align payment dates, you pay a one-time, prorated price to extend subscriptions to renew on the same date as other subscriptions. The prorated price is inclusive of all the seats you have on this term and does not include taxes or fees. If you cancel the subscription before the next renewal, you'll be refunded the prorated amount.


Note: This feature is available only for subscriptions bought online from Autodesk.

To align payment dates

  1. Sign into Autodesk Account at and go to Billing and Orders > Upcoming Payments.

  2. Click Align Payment Dates.

  3. The subscriptions that are eligible for alignment are grouped together. Select the subscriptions you want to change and click Align.

  4. In the confirmation screen, review your selection and click Continue. 
    Note: The credit card used to purchase the subscription is charged to extend renewal dates. To use a different card, change your payment method before completing the transaction.

  5. Review the billing confirmation screen, click Submit Order. The order confirmation displays, and you'll receive a confirmation email.

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