Autodesk Info360 Asset: Water asset condition, risk, and rehabilitation management 

Benefits of Autodesk Info360 Asset 

Manage inspections in a cloud environment 

Centrally review asset inspections for condition and risk analysis.

Better understand your asset condition 

Review inspections to assess accuracy of asset condition grading. 

Transparently calculate risk 

Determine business risk using the latest asset and condition data.

Prioritise capital plans using risk 

Prescribe the right actions to develop effective rehabilitation plans.

What you can do with Autodesk Info360 Asset 

Streamline inspection delivery and review workflows 

Utility/contractor field crews can efficiently deliver inspection data and media to the condition programme manager. Inspections can then be reviewed immediately and approved, rejected or modified.

Justify risk-based decisions easily 

Determine business risk exposure based on a logical, step-by-step approach combining asset, condition, performance and spatial data. Risk modellers can effectively explain to stakeholders how risk-based decisions are derived.

Guiding asset decisions (video: 32 sec.)

Optimise your capital improvement programme

Inform capital planning decisions using inspection, condition, defect and failure data, risk results and cost for each intervention. Prioritise which assets to repair, rehabilitate, replace, keep inspecting or ignore.

Autodesk Info360 Asset resources 


Get started with Info360 Asset

Have an easy onboarding process and enjoy benefits quickly with our getting-started content on our support portal and YouTube page.



Bi-directional ArcGIS online integration

Use your ESRI GIS data within Info360 Asset and publish your risk results and rehabilitation recommendations back to ArcGIS Online.



Info360 cloud solutions strategic vision

View the online public roadmap to adopt Info360 cloud solutions with confidence.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Autodesk Info360 Asset used for?

Autodesk Info360 Asset helps asset management practitioners review, store and manage all inspection data effectively, assess condition conveniently, determine risks accurately and guide renewal decisions – all from a single cloud-based platform. It also provides non-technical stakeholders with an easy-to-understand web environment they can access, so they understand maintenance and renewal decisions.

Who uses Autodesk Info360 Asset?

Autodesk Info360 Asset is used by utilities, municipalities, consulting firms and contractors. Field crews, CCTV contractors, condition programme managers, risk modellers, capital planners, asset strategists and consultants all collaborate in a single, cloud-based platform composed of asset details, inspections, condition data, risk results, rehabilitation plans and any supporting data imported in a tabular or GIS format.

What if our assets are inspected by our contractor (no in-house field crew)? How can they import them to Autodesk Info360 Asset?

You can give your contractor direct access to the Inspection Portal in Autodesk Info360 Asset, where contractors can upload and review inspection data and media prior to submitting. Contractors can upload inspections without associated media so you can use the inspection data immediately and upload media later when the bandwidth improves. If inspections are not to your standards, you can reject them directly within Info360 Asset and explain why, so your contractor can re-inspect the relevant assets.

What can be imported and used within Autodesk Info360 Asset?

You can bring in GIS layers to:

  • Connect to ArcGIS Online and bring in GIS layers risk and rehabilitation analyses.
  • Refine consequence of failure calculations.
  • Visualise spatial data clearly within the network map.

You can also bring any custom table and associate it with the relevant assets to improve risk profiles.

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