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In It for the Long Haul: Tips for Serious Revit Add-In Developers

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    So is it you or your add-in that's serious? Both? Then this class is for you. You learn how to wrap your own domain-specific logic around the Revit API while managing database transactions and sub-transactions along the way. We discuss strategies for handling changes to your add-in that are likely to occur over time including modifying and upgrading data structures and Revit families. I share some successes and failures from my own experience and things you need to consider so your add-in doesn't get eaten alive once it ventures into the wild. We also briefly touch on several other topics including geometry parsing, view-specific versus view-independent API functionality, error handling, and licensing your add-in. Attendees should have a basic understanding of the Revit API and C# or Visual Basic® programming concepts.

    Key Learnings

    • Elegantly handle database transactions when implementing commands, updaters, and the like
    • Employ techniques to persist/validate/upgrade data while staying out of the way when the add-in is unnecessary or unavailable
    • Describe the potential complications that can arise when handling even a single element
    • Apply good software development principles (e.g., don't repeat yourself) by wrapping and extending existing API functionality