To create a text link to Autodesk, call out “Autodesk, Inc.” (underlined, without the quotation mark(s) within your descriptive text.
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By downloading or using the Link-to-Autodesk Logo, you agree to additionally adhere to the following Link-to-Logo Guidelines:
You may display the Link-to-Autodesk Logo only on your website to provide an active link to Autodesk’s website, and not in any other manner.
The distinctive Link-to-Autodesk Logo is designed for web use only and is the only logo that Autodesk has approved for this use. These Link-to-Autodesk Logo Guidelines do not give you permission to use any other Autodesk logos, icons, trademarks or graphics. Autodesk reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify your permission to display the Link-to-Autodesk Logo at any time.
Your web page title and other trademarks and logos must appear at least as prominent as the Link-to-Autodesk Logo.
The Link-to-Autodesk Logo may not be used as a feature or design element of any other logo
You agree that you will not file a trademark application anywhere that is identical to, contains or is confusingly similar to an Autodesk trademark.
The Link-to-Autodesk Logo must appear by itself, with a minimum spacing (the height of the logotype) between each side of the icon and any other graphic or textual elements on your web page.
Please place the Link-to-Autodesk Logo against a high-contrast background so visitors to your website can find and use it easily.
You may not alter the Link-to-Autodesk Logo in any manner, including size, proportions, colors, elements, and so forth, or animate, morph, or otherwise distort its perspective or appearance.