CFD Ultimate
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      What is Autodesk CFD?

      Autodesk CFD overview video (3.18 min.)

      Autodesk CFD is a computational fluid dynamics simulation software that engineers and analysts use to intelligently predict how liquids and gases will perform.

      Autodesk CFD helps to minimise the need for physical prototypes while providing deeper insight into fluid flow design performance.

      Design systems with fluid, thermal and motion insights

      Autodesk CFD design study environment that visualizes fluid flow results

      Autodesk CFD fluid flow simulation

      Autodesk CFD provides engineers with a range of powerful tools for system design optimisation.

      • Fluid flow and free surface movement
      • Thermal management for electronics cooling
      • BIM integration for occupant comfort of HVAC in AEC and MEP

      Automate design studies for improved efficiency

      CFD’s Decision Center automates design comparisons for easier result interpretation and decision making

      Autodesk CFD Decision Center

      The Application Programming Interface (API) and scripting functions expand the base capabilities of Autodesk CFD through the Decision Centre’s customisation and automation of common tasks. In addition, the Decision Centre automates system design comparisons to speed up design-based decision-making.

      See how people are using Autodesk CFD

      • Kytola Instruments uses Autodesk CFD to design their fluid testing equipment


        Fluid delivery design time saver

        Using Inventor and Autodesk CFD, engineers at Kytola Instruments challenge old practices to develop innovative oil delivery systems.

        Image courtesy of Kytola Instruments Oy

      • OPTO 22

        Optimizing small electronics cooling

        Using Autodesk CFD 3D digital prototyping and up-front simulation, this Temecula, California-based tech company built a smaller and more reliable product.

      • SUDLOWS

        Data center energy efficiency

        Running multiple conditions and failure scenarios with Autodesk CFD cloud solving, Sudlows employed flexibility in upfront simulation and data export.


      Product usage reporting

      • See an aggregate summary of how many people are using each product and version and the overall frequency of use.

      Administration & Security:

      2-step verification

      • Add another layer of security to user accounts.

      Bulk import & assign

      • Upload a .csv file to add and assign a large number of users at once.

      Support & Adoption Services:

      8 x 5 live support

      • Contact an Autodesk specialist for help during your local working hours.


      Autodesk Drive

      • Securely store, preview and share design data.

      Shared views

      • Quickly and securely share work with stakeholders.

      Country of origin: USA