• Civil 3D
  • InfraWorks

Analysis for civil projects

Understanding how your design affects the natural and physical environment can help you improve the design earlier when the cost of changes is lower. From understanding how hard surfaces on the site will cause more runoff to understand how window placement will affect energy use, this module introduces you to the various type of analysis you can do to make your design better.

Course overview

Understanding how your design affects the natural and physical environment can help you improve the design earlier when the cost of changes is lower. From understanding how hard surfaces on the site will cause more runoff to understand how window placement will affect energy use, this module introduces you to the various type of analysis you can do to make your design better.

Course outline

15 min.

Complete a vehicle turning analysis to win better work

Track vehicle movement and access in the project to win better work. Learn how to run a Swept Path Analysis in Autodesk Vehicle Tracking to check vehicle movement in and around the project site according to the proposed horizontal and vertical design.

Track vehicle movement and access in the project to win better work. Learn how to run a Swept Path Analysis in Autodesk Vehicle Tracking to check vehicle movement in and around the project site according to the proposed horizontal and vertical design.

This module takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. By the end of the module, you should be able to:

  • Complete a vehicle turning analysis using Vehicle Tracking

Before you start

  • Please make sure you have the Civil 3D software loaded. 
  • If you have technical difficulties, please reach out to product support.

20 min.

How to simulate quick and accurate traffic flows

Welcome to this introductory module to Traffic Simulation, an Infraworks feature able to run simulations computed on the cloud that are used by Civil and Transport Engineers to validate and confirm proposals while designing roads, highways, intersections, parking lots, etc., in no time.

Welcome to this introductory module to Traffic Simulation, an Infraworks feature able to run simulations computed on the cloud that are used by Civil and Transport Engineers to validate and confirm proposals while designing roads, highways, intersections, parking lots, etc., in no time.

This module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. By the end, you should be able to: 

  • Evaluate and explore the Infraworks Traffic Simulation tool.
  • Run a Simulation Flow on your model.
  • Perform some basic edits on your simulation.

About the author

This module was created by Goyo Grzeskow, Designated Support Specialist at Autodesk.

Before you start

  • Please make sure you have the InfraWorks software loaded.
  • If you have technical difficulties, please reach out to product support

20 min.

Customize your traffic simulation

Traffic modeling and simulation is particularly useful in congested conditions, where the free-flow relationships between flow, speed and density no longer apply. The Traffic Analyst Panel is an advance feature that will allow us to mimic real-life data scenarios, which enables us to extract insights to validate proposals.

Traffic modeling and simulation is particularly useful in congested conditions, where the free-flow relationships between flow, speed and density no longer apply. The Traffic Analyst Panel is an advance feature that will allow us to mimic real-life data scenarios, which enables us to extract insights to validate proposals.

This module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. By the end, you should be able to: 

  • Discover Traffic Simulation advanced options  
  • Understand how to modify Times, Terms, and Demands of traffic flows 
  • Perform simulations adjusted to reality on your model 

About the author

This module was created by Goyo Grzeskow, Designated Support Specialist at Autodesk.

Before you start

  • Please make sure you have the InfraWorks software loaded.
  • If you have technical difficulties, please reach out to product support

20 min.

Data-driven design for alternative proposals

Once our traffic proposals are validated with real data, there are additional analysis tools we can use to emulate an as-close-as-possible-to-reality environment in order to add efficiency and save time in future. The more analysis within a conceptual stage, the less (costly) amendments during further stages.

Once our traffic proposals are validated with real data, there are additional analysis tools we can use to emulate an as-close-as-possible-to-reality environment in order to add efficiency and save time in future. The more analysis within a conceptual stage, the less (costly) amendments during further stages.

This module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. By the end, you should be able to: 

  • Define alternatives to existing conditions.
  • Prepare new solutions to be considered.
  • Analyze, extract reports, evaluate, and select the best option.

About the author

This module was created by Goyo Grzeskow, Designated Support Specialist at Autodesk.

Before you start

  • Please make sure you have the InfraWorks software loaded.
  • If you have technical difficulties, please reach out to product support

15 min.

Analyze the Bridge in InfraWorks

A preliminary analysis can be done on the bridge inside InfraWorks to analyze line girders to make sure they satisfy the design requirements. Learn how to run a line girder analysis and a refined analysis before sending the bridge to the Autodesk Structural Bridge Design software for a detailed analysis.

A preliminary analysis can be done on the bridge inside InfraWorks to analyze line girders to make sure they satisfy the design requirements. Learn how to run a line girder analysis and a refined analysis before sending the bridge to the Autodesk Structural Bridge Design software for a detailed analysis.
This module takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. By the end, you should be able to:
  • Run a line girder analysis.
  • Run a refined analysis on the bridge in InfraWorks.

Module pre-requisites

This module requires user-level knowledge of InfraWorks and is focused on best practices and its industry applications. If you don't have experiences with this product, we recommend you to take foundational training using one of the resources below:

About the author

This module was created by Russ Nicloy, Civil Solutions Specialist.

Before you start

  • Please make sure you have the Infraworks software loaded.
  • If you have technical difficulties, please reach out to product support