Place components using the Factory Design Utilities Asset Browser

Learn how to place several factory components utilizing the Asset Browser, which is part of the Autodesk Factory Design Utilities, and how to develop a conveyor run from basic AutoCAD polylines. You will also learn how to open your 2D design in Autodesk Inventor as a full 3D model.

Place components using the Factory Design Utilities Asset Browser - Exercise

  1. Continue with the drawing from the previous unit’s exercise.
  2. Use the search tool in the Asset Browser to place the Bag Feeder and the Case Packer as shown in the following image.
    • Note: If this is the first time using these assets, you will have to right-click on each asset and download it from the cloud.

  1. Use the search tool in the Asset Browser to place the Work Bench and the Case Sealer as shown in the following image. Make sure to place the Case Sealer centered on the highlighted line as shown.

  1. Search in the Asset Browser for the Roller Conveyor Chain. Please locate the asset shown below that is published by Rusty Belcher. Note the chain icon located in the upper-left corner of the thumbnail indicating this asset to be a chain asset.

  1. Drag the asset into the model window and release it. Use the polyline option on the command line and select the two blue polylines shown in the following image. Press <Enter> to complete the command.

  1. Use the Convert Asset Chains command located on the Factory tab and select the two blue conveyor lines. Press <Enter> to complete the command.

  1. The blue lines are replaced with individual straight and turn assets using the color red to indicate non-standard sizes, as shown below.

  1. Save the file.
  2. The best practice for the next step is to open Autodesk Inventor and set the project file to the same location as the current drawings.
  3. Use the Open in Inventor command located on the Factory tab to generate the 3D representation of the layout in Autodesk Inventor. The 3D Inventor model is shown below.

  1. Leave the file in its current state and proceed to the next unit’s exercise.
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