Project structure and teams

Create project structure and teams - Exercise

You have now studied the project structure and the teams. 

  • The project structure is the storage, distribution, and security of the files (drawings, models, documents, etc.) and how they are set up and managed. 
  • For the project team, consider what types of disciplines and roles a typical project needs to have.  
  • Building information modeling (BIM) processes describe how BIM brings value to project management.  

Now it’s your turn. In this exercise, you will study different methods of transferring data, examine how different teams and organizations can relate to each other, and look at how your organization is involved with different BIM processes. 

For your convenience, the downloadable resources for this module include a sample Project Team table that has been set up for your reference, called Create Project Structure and Teams_Example Table.docx. This sample is more complicated than yours has to be in order to demonstrate various aspects of a project. 

Worksheet instructions

Before you begin, you can download the Worksheet and Example Table files from the Module Overview page using the Download Resources button, then fill in the provided worksheet as follows:  

  1. In the File Transfer Options section, record how you feel about using the various file transferring/sharing methods available to your organization in terms of convenience, security, administration, training, acceptance, etc. 
  2. Consider other teams, organizations, or agencies you routinely deal with and how files are currently transferred between them. Evaluate if the current method is ideal or if there is room for improvement. Write your findings in the Team Structure and Organization section. 
  3. In the Project Team table, enter the names of the various agencies involved with the project. If there are specialists, enter what type of role they perform. There is room for an auxiliary agent under Other if required. If possible, use known agencies for familiarity’s sake; otherwise, you can create fictional agencies. Not all columns need to be filled in – keeping it simple may make it a more effective learning tool. 
  4. In the Project Team table, consider the various phases of your project. Most projects will go through the phases listed; however, your project may involve fewer or additional phases. If some phases are not required, simply cross them out. If additional ones are required, enter the names of the phases involved with the project in the blank rows provided. 
  5. In the Project Team table, start with your agency and fill in the appropriate abbreviations for the entire column. The provided sample table is completed for the Mechanical firm as follows: 
    1. They have little involvement in the Pre-Design phase and if there is any, it would be on the project engineer’s personal computer (PC) and on an ad-hoc basis. 
    2. For the Schematic phase through to the Procurement phase, the Mechanical team are all in the same team working off a local area network (LAN) within the company’s firewall (TF). 
    3. The Fabrication phase for mechanical is handled by an external consultant (EC) who is part of the Autodesk Docs cloud-based service (ADC). 
    4. The mechanical team is not involved with any of the Construction Admin, Facilities Management, or Asset Management operations. 
    5. The Maintenance department relies on email or manual methods (EML) to acquire files. 
    6. The Health and Safety board resides in a non-connected, closed system for security purposes and only accepts documents and drawings via email (EML). 
    7. The architects are involved with the mechanical team only during the Schematic, Design Development, and Construction Documentation phases. They are not part of the mechanical team (association), reside remotely (NR), and are part of the Autodesk Docs cloud-based service (ADC).  
    8. The Acoustic specialists are external consultants (EC) communicating and exchanging documents via email (EML) during the Schematic, Design Development, and Construction Documentation phases with the mechanical team. 
  6. In the BIM Processes section, record how BIM processes may affect your project and to what level your organization would be involved with each of these processes.
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