Review and close resolved clash issues

Review and close resolved clash issues - Exercise

Task 1: Checking the last clash check status

  1. Using the Web Browser, log on to your ACC project.
  2. Navigate to the Model Coordination Environment.
  3. From the top right, make sure you are in the right Coordination Space.
  4. Below the coordination space, confirm the last check status is after the latest package was shared, as shown below.

Task 2: Checking the clash status

  1. In the Model Coordination environment > Clashes tool > Assigned tab, click on one of the answered issues; the program federates the two models and opens them.
  2. Review if the clashing elements are displayed in the model color, as shown below. If they are, this means the clash has been resolved.

  1. In this case, change the status of the issue to Closed, as shown below.

  1. Repeat this process for all the resolved clash issues.

Task 3: Changing the status of the unresolved clashes back to open

  1. Click on an answered issue from the Issues window or the Clashes tool > Assigned. 
  2. If the elements are still displayed in clashing Red and Green color, as shown below, measure the clashing distance.

  1. Scroll down in the Issues window and add the comment to move the element again, as shown below.

  1. In the Issues window, change the issue status to Open.
  2. Repeat this process for all the unresolved clashes.
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