Download Model Coordination issues inside Revit

Download Model Coordination issues inside Revit - Exercise

Task 1: Installing issues Addin for Revit

  1. Open the Autodesk Desktop app.
  2. Click on the Update button on the right of the Issues Addin v5.0 for Revit 20XX, where 20XX relates to the version of Revit you are using. The figure below shows this addin for Revit 2023.

The process of installing the Issues addin for Revit will start.

Task 2: Downloading Model Coordination issues inside Revit

  1. Start Revit.
  2. From the Issues ribbon tab, click Manage Issues; the issues created on the model located in the team’s WIP folder are displayed, as shown below.

  1. From the same ribbon tab, click Associated Models to display the Associated models
  2. From the left half of the window, select the folder located in the Coordination Space where the issues were created and then select the folder; the model is added to the right side of the window and the total number of issues created on the model are displayed next to it, as shown below.

  1. If required, click the cross on the right side of the model located in the WIP folder.
  2. Click OK. The Issues window shows all the Model Coordination issues that were assigned to you, as shown below.

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