Exporting Civil Structures from Infraworks

Exporting Civil Structures from Infraworks

Now that we know we have Revit all set up and ready to go, we can work on getting structures from Infraworks over to Revit. These are considered Civil Structures, and are exported to an IMX file extension. Here are the steps.

  1. Open the file Park Bridge Russ.sqlite provided with this video
  2. Zoom in to any of the bridge piers
  3. Select one of the piers as shown below:
  4. Once the bridge is selected, right click. The context menu below will appear
  5. Select Publish Civil Structures and go to Create New

  6. Browse to a folder that makes sense to you. I am going to call mine Park Bridge.imx

That’s it! You have exported the bridge. Now it’s time to open it in Revit.

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