Creating a rebar length schedule

Creating a Rebar Length Schedule

Ok, getting down to it. Now that we have our piers and foundations squared away, and we have rebar in at least one or two piers, we can start creating schedules. I know, we don’t have everything fully reinforced. That’s fine. Why wait until you are finished? Once we have the schedules in place, we can add, remove or reconfigure rebar, and our schedules will adjust accordingly!

  • Open the model you have been working in.
  • Go to the View Tab, then to Schedules - Schedules/Quantities


     Scroll down to Structural Rebar


  • Click OK
  • Add the fields below, in this order:

Go to the Sorting/Grouping tab

Sort by: Rebar Number

Make sure Grand totals is checked on

  • Uncheck Itemize every instance

  • Go to the Formatting tab

Select Bar Length

  • Select Calculate totals



  • Do the same for Total Bar Length
  • Click OK.


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